IEG consistently produces evaluations that analyze the results of the World Bank Group’s gender work at the corporate/strategic level. Most recently, the Gender Mid-Term Review (MTR) focused on assessing the processes of the World Bank Group’s Gender Strategy. The ongoing Gender Strategy evaluation is expanding on the findings of the MTR by assessing the results achieved by the Bank Group’s Gender Strategy.

The IEG evaluative work on gender uses a two-pronged approach. First, it delivers "stand-alone gender reports" that analyze World Bank Group support to help countries address specific gender inequalities. For example, the evaluation of the World Bank Group’s support to addressing gender inequalities in countries affected by fragility, conflict and violence focuses on the quality of support in promoting women’s and girls’ economic empowerment and addressing gender-based violence.

Second, IEG’s work aims to ensure that a gender lens is used in evaluating subjects that demand it, and in IEG’s Country Program Evaluations (CPEs) when appropriate based on the evaluation questions. Recent examples are the WBG Support to Aging Countries evaluation, the World Bank's Support to Addressing COVID-19 – Health and Social Response, and the Child Undernutrition evaluation. CPEs discussing country-specific gender inequalities are Chad, Mozambique, and Papua New Guinea (FY24) .

Featured IEG Resources

  • Evaluation 2023: Addressing Gender Inequalities in Countries Affected by Fragility, Conflict, and Violence
  • Evaluation, March 2021: World Bank Group Gender Strategy Mid-Term Review
  • Blog, February 2024: Addressing gender inequalities in countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence
  • Podcast 2024: Reaching women and girls trapped in violence and conflict
  • Blog 2022: Lessons for building on the World Bank’s unprecedented health and social response to COVID-19
  • Blog, April 2021: Five Ways to Continue Closing Gender Gaps: Lessons from Albania and Rwanda
  • Blog, March 2021: How to Implement a Strategy to Close Gender Gaps?
  • Blog, Dec 2019: Translating the Principles of the Global Compact on Refugees into Concrete Actions


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