In recent years, the world has seen formidable manifestations of citizens’ engagement and demands for responsible and accountable governance. By taking to the streets to condemn corruption scandals, by rallying on social media to address growing inequalities or by participating in global consultations to develop the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ordinary citizens are increasingly eager and able to make their voices heard. At the same time, after several decades of progress, the space for citizens’ voices is shrinking globally as several governments raise legal barriers to constrain actions by civil society and their demands for accountability.
In this context, IEG and 3ie are partnering to establish an interactive dialogue anchored in evaluative evidence, engaging stakeholders in ways that inspire them to make better decisions and ask better questions on the future of citizen engagement and accountable government.
Economist and international development expert Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala explains what gives her hope, in response to the question "What makes you optimistic about change, and how can we reinforce the forces of hope?"
Watch the session re-plays:
Opening by:
Alison Evans, Director-General, Evaluation, World Bank Group.
Emmanuel Jimenez, Executive Director, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation.
Reality Check:
A discussion contrasting what we know to what is being done on the ground.
Moderated by Ruth Levine, Program Director, Global Development and Population, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
Jonathan Fox, Professor, School of International Service, Director Accountability Research Center, American University.
Jean Arkedis, Senior Program Director, Results for Development.
Warren Krafchik, Executive Director, International Budget Partnership.
Jeff Thindwa, Program Manager, Global Partnership for Social Accountability, World Bank.
The World Today:
A discussion about Citizen Engagement and Government Accountability
Moderated by Brenda Barbour, Manager, Knowledge and Communications, IEG
Santiago Levy, Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Lily Tsai, Associate Professor of Political Science, Faculty Director, Governance Lab MIT
Mapping the Future
An interactive and forward-looking breakout exercise anchored in 3ie’s evidence gap map (upcoming) and IEG’s evaluative findings.
Moderated by Marie Gaarder, Director of the Evaluation Office and Global Director for Innovation and Country Engagement, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation.
Elena Bardasi, Senior Economist, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank.
Francis Rathinam, Senior Evaluation Specialist, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation.
Bridging the Disconnect
A consensus-seeking panel discussion on what is not known and emerging opportunities.
Moderated by David de Ferranti, Director, Washington Office, Business Development, and Partnerships, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Board Chair, Gavi.
Daniel Kaufmann, President and CEO, Natural Resources Governance Institute.
Closing by:
Roberta V. Gatti, Chief Economist, Human Development, World Bank.
Alison Evans, Director-General, Evaluation, World Bank Group.
Emmanuel Jimenez, Executive Director, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation.