In recent years, the world has seen formidable manifestations of citizens' engagement. By taking to the streets to condemn corruption scandals, by rallying on social media to address growing inequalities, or by participating in global consultations to develop the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ordinary citizens are increasingly eager and able to make their voices heard.

At the same time, after several decades of progress, the space for citizens' voices is shrinking globally as several governments raise legal barriers to constrain actions by civil society organizations (CSOs) and to muzzle the media. In this context, the World Bank Group's commitment to citizen engagement can catalyze change. This is even more important because achieving the SDGs and the twin goals rests on the active involvement of citizens and local governments. In 2013, President Jim Kim committed to incorporate beneficiary feedback in all World Bank projects by 2018, a goal which was accomplished by the institution.

Watch the re-play of the live discussion about what can be done to further improve the quality and depth of citizen engagement efforts, as well as the factors determining their successful integration into lending instruments, country strategy preparation, and policy formulation. The event also highlighted findings from IEG’s recent evaluation Engaging Citizens for Better Development Results.

Watch the re-play of the live event


Read Engaging Citizens for Better Development Results



Manuela Ferro
Vice President,
Operations Policy and Country Services
World Bank

Sophie Sirtaine
Acting Director General
Independent Evaluation Group
World Bank

Engaging Citizens for Better Development Results

Elena Bardasi
Senior Economist,
Country Programs and Economic Management Unit
Independent Evaluation Group
World Bank Group




Jeffrey Hall
Freelance Consultant
Jeff Hall Consulting


Nadia Daar
Head of Washington D.C. Office
Oxfam International

Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez
Senior Director,
Social, Urban, Rural, and Resilience Global Practice
World Bank

Anna Wetterberg
Senior Social Scientist
RTI International

Deborah Wetzel
Senior Director,
Governance Global Practice
World Bank

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