IEG Data

IEG Data is a collection of independent assessments and validations for World Bank (WB), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). Some data are updated annually for IEG’s Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (RAP).  Some data sets have more frequent updates.

For guidance on navigating the data dashboards, please refer to the following job aid.


WB Project Ratings

Data visualization and dataset download for IEG's WB project ratings. These data are updated quarterly.

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WB Project Lessons

Tabulated data of IEG’s WB project lessons. These data are updated biannually.

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WB Country Partnership Framework Ratings

Data visualization and dataset download for IEG's WB country strategy ratings. These data are updated annually.

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IFC Investment and Advisory Project Ratings

For the most recent IEG's IFC Investment and Advisory project ratings, please refer to Chapter 3 of IEG's latest RAP report.


MIGA Project Ratings

For the most recent IEG's MIGA project ratings, please refer to Chapter 4 of IEG's latest RAP report.