Watch the highlights from this year in this short video (transcript available below).



In January, February, and March, IEG:

In April and May, we:

In June, on World Refugee Day, IEG published an evaluation of the World Bank Group’s support in situations of conflict-induced displacement.

Over the summer we published our annual review of the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group.

And this fall, we:

It’s been a busy year, and it’s been an honor to help generate evidence from evaluation, share lessons from experience, and identify best practices and new opportunities to improve the development impact of the World Bank Group, and to serve the Evaluation Community.

Stay tuned for some exciting announcements in 2020!


The Most Popular #WhatWorks posts of 2019

1. Hope or Hype? Attracting investors to emerging markets and developing economies
2. Evaluation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Unpacking the issues
3. A Return to the World Bank Group (by IEG Director-General Alison Evans)
4. A tale of two regions: Lessons from fostering regional integration
5. Why systematic engagement is essential to promoting trade and growth: Lessons from World Bank Group experience
6. How incentive payments support Universal Health Coverage, in theory and in practice
7. Five ways to think about quality in evaluation
8. Can Ethiopia create 2 million jobs every year?
9. Collateral damage: the pitfalls of quantitative measures of success
10. Measuring up: When “what works” doesn’t

View IEG's Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2019

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