
Displaying 401 - 410 of 5571

The International Finance Corporation’s and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency’s Support for Private Investment in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (Approach Paper)

In countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV), the private sector can play a critical role in providing jobs and income. Inclusive and sustainable economic growth led by private investment can help…
rewiring evaluation event

Rewiring Evaluation Approaches at the Intersection of Data Science and Evaluation

These sessions will feature a combination of evaluators and data science users and practitioners to explore lessons, opportunities and challenges in rewiring evaluation. 

gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2020: A Global Knowledge Movement to Advance Monitoring and Evaluation Knowledge Sharing

With the ten-year countdown to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underway, it is more important than ever for countries to have the systems and capacities in place to track the progress of their national…
Medical professionals assigned to the 531st Hospital Center conduct an after-action review following the mass casualty scenario outside the operation room of the field hospital at Sierra Army Depot, California, on Oct. 28, 2019. (image credit: Spc. ShaTyra Reed/Army) Note the appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

What will it take to learn fast to save lives during COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

In an emergency room, much as in the response to a global crisis such as the coronavirus pandemic, saving lives requires teams to learn fast, to shift their thinking, and to adapt their practices in real time. It…
5 Lessons from Economic and Social Crises to Inform the COVID-19 Response

5 Lessons from Economic and Social Crises to Inform the COVID-19 Response

View and Download this Infographic as a PDF View as a video:  
James Cooper, Sunday Bondo y Patrick Lappaya trabajan juntos para tomar una muestra con un hisopo y ayudar a determinar la causa de muerte de una mujer en el Hospital C.H. Rennie de la ciudad de Kakata, en Liberia, el 10 de marzo de 2016. Crédito: Banco Mundial

Tres lecciones aprendidas de las anteriores crisis de salud pública que pueden informar la respuesta mundial a la COVID-19 (coronavirus)

En la medida en que se extiende la emergencia de salud pública provocada por el nuevo coronavirus, aumenta el interés en torno a las posibles soluciones que la comunidad internacional puede ofrecer para apoyar la…

Sierra Leone - Completion and Learning Report : IEG Review

This is a validation of the Completion and Learning Review (CLR) for the World Bank Group’s (WBG) engagement in Sierra Leone covering the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS, FY10-FY13). For completeness and learning…
What do past crises tell us about coping with the economic shocks of COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

What do past crises tell us about coping with the economic shocks of COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

The ways in which international organizations help countries respond may define not only the future trajectory of the pandemic, but also the duration of the current economic crisis and the direction of the…

¿Qué podemos aprender de las crisis anteriores sobre cómo lidiar con los impactos económicos del COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Mas allá de influir en la futura trayectoria de la pandemia, el enfoque de la ayuda de las organizaciones internacionales para montar una respuesta podría definir la duración de la crisis económica actual y la dirección…

Enhancing the Effectiveness of the World Bank’s Global Footprint (Approach Paper)

The World Bank aims to adjust its global footprint by decentralizing more staff and functions to the field offices by the mid-2020s. It expects that expanding its presence in client countries would help strengthen its…