
Displaying 431 - 440 of 5571
The Missing Middle: addressing income inequality is the next challenge for the Philippines as it approaches UMIC status

The Missing Middle: addressing income inequality is the next challenge for the Philippines as it approaches UMIC status

How the World Bank Group can build on previous successful engagements to achieve results that go beyond growth numbers.
Not just what, but how: a strong delivery system was key to the success of the Philippines’ nationwide social protection program

Not just what, but how: a strong delivery system was key to the success of the Philippines’ nationwide social protection program

Effective system identifies beneficiaries and delivers cash transfers in a regular and reliable way.
Next steps for the World Bank’s new strategy for fragility, conflict and violence: what does the evidence say?

Next steps for the World Bank’s new strategy for fragility, conflict and violence: what does the evidence say?

Evidence from evaluation can ease the transition from theory to practice.
Children walking on road in Gaza

Conflicting Results: Measuring outcomes in situations of conflict

Understanding and measuring the difference between targeted results and overall achievements in fragile situations can be challenging.
Registration for IPDET now open

Important Announcement about IPET

IPDET's three-week program consists of a week of training on the fundamentals of evaluation followed by two weeks of workshops on specialized topics and latest developments in the field.

Senegal - Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

Senegal is a lower middle-income country with a Gross National Income per capita of US$1,410 in 2018. It has a population of 16.3 million (2019). Senegal was among the fastest growing economies in Africa over the 2013…

Mexico - Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

This review of Mexico’s Completion and Learning Review (CLR) of the World Bank Group’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) covers the CPS period FY14-FY19 and the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) of January 26, 2017…

Colombia - Programmatic Productive and Sustainable Cities Development Policy Loans

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the programmatic Productive and Sustainable Cities Development Policy Loans (DPLs; P130972) intended to support the strengthening of the government of…

Evaluation of the World Bank’s Support to Improving Child Undernutrition and Its Determinants (Approach Paper)

Global reports on indicators of child undernutrition show mixed progress in reducing the stunting (impaired growth and development) of children under five, with Africa and South Asia most severely affected. There are…

The World Bank Group Outcome Orientation at the Country Level: What Influences Outcome Management and Measurement Practices across Country Engagements? (Approach Paper)

The World Bank Group’s success rests on its ability to help its clients overcome the complex development challenges they face. This demands a strong outcome orientation at the country level, defined as the organization’…