
Displaying 411 - 420 of 5571
James Cooper, Sunday Bondo and Patrick Lappaya work together closely to take a sample swab to help determine the death of a women at C.H. Rennie Hospital in Kakata, Margibi County in Liberia on March 10, 2016. Image Credit World Bank

3 lessons from past public health crises for the global response to COVID-19 (coronavirus)

As the public health emergency of the novel coronavirus spreads globally, there is growing interest in how the international community can support countries’ responses to COVID-19 (coronavirus). By analyzing information…

Myanmar – Completion and Learning Report : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), FY15-FY17, and updated in the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) dated…
A global effort is needed to ensure all countries are ready to combat COVID-19 (coronavirus) with evidence

A global effort is needed to ensure all countries are ready to combat COVID-19 (coronavirus) with evidence

Every government needs robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems now more than ever to design effective policies.
Making Choices about Evaluation Design in times of COVID-19: A Decision Tree

Making Choices about Evaluation Design in times of COVID-19: A Decision Tree

Making Choices about Evaluation Design in times of COVID-19: A Decision Tree (enlarge & download as a PDF)

World Bank Engagement in Situations of Conflict (Approach Paper)

The World Bank Group has made a strong commitment to addressing the development challenges associated with fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) as part of its corporate goals. It situates this challenge at the core…
Adapting evaluation designs in times of COVID-19 (coronavirus): four questions to guide decisions

Adapting evaluation designs in times of COVID-19 (coronavirus): four questions to guide decisions

A framework organized around four questions to address the ethical, conceptual, and methodological challenges that are affecting programmatic evaluation work during the COVID-19 pandemic
IEG Lesson Library: Evaluative Resources and Evidence to inform the COVID-19  Response

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Response

Past lessons for the current crisis
Mpulungu, Zambia - March 27, 2015: African schoolgirl in green school uniform against a forest background   Shutterstock By Tatsiana Hendzel

Of Mice and Men (and World Bank Projects): Harnessing Behavioral Approaches

Behavioral Science offers insights and design principles that can be incorporated into existing programs, often at low cost, to increase program reach, effectiveness, and sustainability.