Making Waves

World Bank Support for the Blue Economy, 2012–23

This evaluation assesses how well the World Bank is supporting a blue economy approach to achieve sustainable and inclusive development of ocean and coastal states.

Making Waves: World Bank Support for the Blue Economy, 2012–23

A livable planet requires well-managed coastal and ocean resources, which are vital for inclusive growth, jobs, food and nutrition security, and climate resilience. However, these resources are in a state of emergency due to fragmented policies, regulatory gaps, and policy inaction.

International actors have coalesced around a blue economy approach to address ocean and coastal governance failures. At the core of this approach is the need to achieve healthy ocean and coastal resources to ensure ecosystem services that support inclusive and equitable economic growth.

This evaluation assesses how well the World Bank is supporting a blue economy approach to achieve sustainable and inclusive development of ocean and coastal states. The evaluation examines the World Bank’s articulation of the blue economy and its operationalization and offers lessons to inform the future of the World Bank’s blue economy approach. The World Bank has agreed to the recommendations in the report.