We must take a holistic look at SDGs to create positive synergies rather than negative tradeoffs
Country ownership is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Meeting the SDGs requires realistic national medium and long-term targets and programs.

When the global development community gathers this week for the UN General Assembly, they will have their hands full as they try to get through an extremely ambitious agenda. Over the course of the week, world leaders will cover a range of topics, including advancing sustained economic growth and sustainable development; a special focus on Africa; maintaining international peace and security; promotion of human rights; drug control, crime prevention and combating international terrorism.

Alongside the formal agenda, organizers are hosting a series of special week-long events to draw attention to the sustainable development goals and the fight against Climate Change.

Watching the buzz leading in to these meetings, it’s been striking to hear strong voices advocating for one issue or another. Take, for example, the debate over which SDG is most important or what targets to track and measure. Should we prioritize poverty eradication over gender equality? Or susatainable energy and climate change over quality education and clean water for all? The reality, as many renowned development experts and evaluators have pointed out is that the international community will need to take a holistic look at the SDGs to ensure was achieve them in ways that create positive synergies rather than negative tradeoffs. This is a challenging task, not just for the number of targets, but also because some of them necessitate thoughtful decisions to make the right tradeoffs.

As independent evaluators, we often run into the same issues when evaluating the World Bank Group’s operations. Like the United Nations and the rest of the development community, the WBG's mandate spans many, if not all, of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The international community will need to take a holistic look at the SDGs to ensure we achieve them in ways that create positive synergies rather than negative tradeoffs. This is a challenging task, not just for the number of targets, but also because some of them necessitate thoughtful decisions to make the right tradeoffs.

So what have we have learned from evaluating the World Bank Group’s work that might be relevant for the SDGs? In a synthesis paper, Transforming Our World - Aiming to Sustain Development,  prepared at the time the SDGs were launched, we reflected on the lessons learned from the earlier Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the opportunities of the future. Among the many lessons we identified, I would like to highlight three.

  1. The importance of building country ownership
  2. Creating an environment where countries can learn from each other and tap into the best advice and solutions available globally.
  3. The need to develop the right instruments as well as realistic national medium and long-term targets and programs. This includes balancing the constructive tensions between national and sector priorities, institutional capacity building and strong partnerships at all levels.

Interested in digging deeper? Below are some of our recent evaluations relating to the different SDGs.

SDG 1. No Poverty

Supporting Transformational Change for Poverty Reduction and Shared Prosperity

World Bank Group Engagement in Small States

World Bank Group Engagement in Resource-Rich Developing Countries: The Cases of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Zambia

The Poverty Focus of Country Programs

World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States


SDG 2. Zero Hunger

The World Bank Group and the Global Food Crisis

Lessons from Land Administration Projects: A Review of Project Performance Assessments

Impact Evaluations in Agriculture

Growth and Productivity in Agriculture and Agribusiness


SDG 3. Good Health and Well-being

World Bank Group Support to Health Financing

Later Impacts of Early Childhood Interventions: A systematic Review

Delivering the Millennium Development Goals to Reduce Maternal and Child Mortality

Improving Effectiveness and Outcomes for the Poor in Health, Nutrition, and Population

World Bank Support to Early Childhood Development

SDG 4. Quality Education


World Bank Support to Education Since 2001

Accelerating Growth Skills and Knowledge – An evaluation of the World Bank Group’s support for Higher Education


SDG 5. Gender Equality


Women’s Empowerment in Rural Community-Driven Development Projects

Social Safety Nets and Gender: Learning from Impact Evaluations and World Bank Projects

SDG 6. Clean Water and Sanitation

Global Program Review: Global Water Partnership


SDG 7. Affordable and Clean Energy

World Bank Group Support to Electricity Access

World Bank Group Engagement in Resource-Rich Development Countries: The Cases of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Zambia


SDG 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry Competitiveness and Jobs

The Big Business of Small Enterprises – An Evaluation of World Bank Group Support to SMEs

Investment Climate Reforms

SDG 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure


Capturing Technology for Development

Using Knowledge for Better Development Results

World Bank Group Support for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

SDG 10. Reduced Inequalities


The Poverty Focus of Country Programs

World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

SDG 11. Sustainable Cities
and Communities


Mobile Metropolises – An IEG Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support for Urban Transport (coming soon)

Improving Urban Transport: 5 Lessons from Senegal

SDG 12. Responsible Consumption
and Production

Supporting Transformational Change for Poverty Reduction and Shared Prosperity

World Bank Group Engagement in Small States

SDG 13. Climate Action

Climate Change and the World Bank Group: Win-Win Energy Policy Reforms - Phase I

Challenge of Low-Carbon Development: Climate Change and World Bank Group - Phase II

Lessons from Environmental Policy Lending

SDG 14. Life Below Water


Project Performance Assessment Report - Senegal: Integrated Marine and Coastal Resources Management Project and Sustainable Management of Fish Resources Project

SDG 15. Life on Land


Growth and Productivity in Agriculture and Agribusiness

Managing Forest Resources for Sustainable Development

Global Program Review: Forest Carbon Partnership


SDG 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

World Bank Group Engagement in Small States

World Bank Group Engagement in Situations of Fragility, Conflict, and Violence

World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

World Bank Country-Level Engagement on Governance and Anticorruption

SDG 17. Partnerships for
the Goals


Global Program Review: The World Bank's Partnership with the GAVI Alliance

Global Program Review: The Global Fund to Fight AIDs, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Global Program Review: Global Water Partnership

Global Program Review: Forest Carbon Partnership

The World Bank Group’s Partnership with the Global Environment Facility

Public-Private Partnerships

Public-Private Partnerships in Health


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