The Management Action Record (MAR) is a tool that facilitates the annual follow up on the adoption of IEG’s recommendations by the Bank Group.

In 2012, World Bank Group Management and IEG agreed to adopt specific, measurable actions in response to IEG’s findings and recommendations. As the result, IEG rates the progress of Management’s Action Plans for each evaluation for four years during the annual update cycle.

Since 2015, to capture the progress of implementation of the Action Plans more accurately, WBG and IEG management introduced a new rating and started using a five point rating scale. This change introduced “Complete” as the highest rating accounting for actions that are completed and ensured that “High” is used for actions that are nearing the 90% of completion status.

Since MAR reform in 2019, IEG and Management no longer rate progress of recommendation implementation. View an explanation of MAR on the main MAR page. 


MAR Ratings Legend: Complete   High   Substantial   Moderate   Negligible   Not Accepted   Not Rated  
Clear Results
Report Title Organization Recommendation Tracking Since Accepted IEG Rating Management Rating View Data
21 The Poverty Focus of Country Programs: Lessons… World Bank

Strengthen the Bank Group'spoverty…

2016 Yes Read More
22 The Poverty Focus of Country Programs: Lessons… World Bank

The Bank Group should take a stronger lead in…

2016 Yes Read More
23 The Poverty Focus of Country Programs: Lessons… World Bank

Advocate and organize support to sustainably…

2016 Yes Read More
24 The Poverty Focus of Country Programs: Lessons… World Bank

Ensure that poverty data development and…

2016 Yes Read More
25 Learning and Results in World Bank Operations:… World Bank

Promote Adaptiveness:
- Encourage…

2016 Yes Read More
26 Learning and Results in World Bank Operations:… World Bank

Balance the Focus on Global and Local…

2016 Yes Read More
27 Learning and Results in World Bank Operations:… World Bank

Adjust Institutional Incentives to Promote…

2016 Yes Read More
28 Learning and Results in World Bank Operations:… World Bank

Make Optimal Use of Informal Learning and…

2016 Yes Read More
29 Learning and Results in World Bank Operations:… World Bank

Develop an Updated Strategy for Learning and…

2016 Yes Read More
30 Investment Climate Reforms: An Independent… World Bank

Ensure that the World Bank Group takes…

2016 Yes Read More
31 Investment Climate Reforms: An Independent… World Bank

Develop a differentiated approach to identify…

2016 Yes Read More
32 Investment Climate Reforms: An Independent… World Bank

Expand the coverage of current diagnostic…

2016 Yes Read More
33 World Bank Group Support to Electricity Access,… IFC

Improve the evidence-base related to…

2016 Yes Read More
34 World Bank Group Support to Electricity Access,… World Bank

Improve the evidence-base related to…

2016 Yes Read More
35 World Bank Group Support to Electricity Access,… World Bank

Design an engagement strategy to enable low-…

2016 Yes Read More
36 World Bank Group Support to Electricity Access,… World Bank

Move from a predominantly project-by project…

2016 Yes Read More
37 World Bank Group Support to Electricity Access,… World Bank

Engage decisively and intensely on countries…

2016 Yes Read More
38 World Bank Support to Early ChildhoodDevelopment World Bank

Improve monitoring and evaluation of ECD…

2016 Yes Read More
39 World Bank Support to Early ChildhoodDevelopment World Bank

Increase knowledge to address key ECD…

2016 Yes Read More
40 World Bank Support to Early ChildhoodDevelopment World Bank

Adopt the practice of using diagnostics in the…

2016 Yes Read More