
Displaying 61 - 70 of 5571

Allocution d’ouverture de Mme Sabine Bernabè, directrice générale pour l’évaluation, lors de la cérémonie de lancement de IEG@50

IEG@50: REVOIR Seul le prononcé fait foi. Bonjour, bon après-midi ou bonsoir.  Permettez-moi tout d’abord de vous souhaiter à tous une cordiale bienvenue. Merci beaucoup de vous être joints à nous pour…


Celebrating 50 years of independent evaluation at the World Bank
Photo: 3rdtimeluckystudio/Shutterstock

Creating an Enabling Environment for Private Sector Climate Action

This evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s efforts to improve the enabling environment for private sector climate action. 
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Always searching for how we can do things better

Before joining the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) in early August of this year, I was a great admirer of its work. IEG has been a global standard setter, in terms of rigor and quality but also as regards the role…

Bangladesh : Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project

In response to the government of Bangladesh’s strong commitment to a sustainable and diversified agriculture sector, the World Bank has been supporting the government to enhance agriculture productivity with investments…

Vietnam : Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project

The project development objective of the Vietnam Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project—as stated in the financing agreement dated December 10, 2009—included the following three elements: “increase production…

Vietnam : Transmission Efficiency Project

This report assesses the implementation experience and outcomes of the Transmission Efficiency Project, implemented in Vietnam from 2015 to 2021, with a project cost of $517.53 million, including International Bank for…

Unfulfilled Promises: Using GPT for Synthetic Tasks

In our previous blogs, we shared our findings and recommendations for six experiments that ended up working quite well. For the next three experiments, we wanted to test GPT’s performance on more advanced tasks that…
The World Bank Group’s 2018 Capital Increase Package: An Independent Validation of Implementation and Results

The World Bank Group’s 2018 Capital Increase Package

This report presents the Independent Evaluation Group’s validation of the World Bank Group’s 2018 capital increase package (CIP). It assesses the World Bank Group’s progress in implementing the CIP’s policy measures and…
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Indian people using mobile phone. Photo:

Financial Inclusion

This evaluation explores how and with what effect the World Bank Group has supported financial inclusion for the microenterprises, poor households, women, and other excluded groups.
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