Displaying 21 - 30 of 5601

An Evaluation of World Bank and International Finance Corporation Engagement for Gender Equality over the Past 10 Years
This evaluation assesses World Bank Group support to address gender inequalities between fiscal years 2012 and 2023.

2024: Independent Evaluation Group Validation of the Management Action Record
The Management Action Record (MAR) system tracks follow-up to IEG evaluations. This document validates management’s self-assessment covering FY19-23.

Evaluation Insight Note: Agricultural Innovation and Technology in World Bank Projects
Evaluation Insight Notes (EIN) offer new insights from existing evidence on important strategic and operational issues. This EIN is focused on how World Bank agriculture and irrigation projects use technologies, and…

Back to Basics: Lessons for Confronting the Learning Crisis
Education is critical for individual wellbeing and national growth, yet a global learning crisis is failing children and widening inequalities. A new report from the Independent Evaluation Group assesses the World Bank’…

Confronting the Learning Crisis
This evaluation assesses the World Bank’s contribution to improving learning outcomes in basic education over the 2012–22 decade.

Learning from the past for a brighter future: strategic priorities for evaluation
High quality evaluations that promote accountability, learning and evidence-based decisions have a vital role in today’s complex development landscape. The Independent Evaluation Group aims to increase the value and…
Biodiversity for a Livable Planet: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Support for Biodiversity (FY15–24) (Approach Paper)
Biodiversity underpins the provision of critical ecosystem services, but it is being lost at an unprecedented rate and scale. Biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life in habitats or ecosystems. Biodiversity…
Ghana Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)
This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) will assess the performance of World Bank Group support to Ghana in achieving its development objectives between fiscal years (FY)13 and FY23. The evaluation period spans two Bank…

Making Waves
This evaluation assesses how well the World Bank is supporting a blue economy approach to achieve sustainable and inclusive development of ocean and coastal states.

Rebuilding relations: Lessons from the World Bank partnership with Ecuador
A new evaluation focuses on World Bank Group efforts to rebuild the partnership with Ecuador after a break in 2007 and offers lessons on remaining engaged in challenging environments and the approach to rebuilding…