
Displaying 51 - 60 of 5600
African Woman face in contrast light. Vector. Illustration. Photo: Shutterstock

Reaching women and girls in fragile countries - in nine figures

Lessons from the Independent Evaluation Group’s assessment of World Bank Group support on promoting women’s and girls’ economic empowerment and addressing gender-based violence in FCV countries
Virginia Ziulu

Meet Virginia Ziulu, IEG's Data Science Trailblazer

In the medical field, an image can produce the right diagnosis and ultimately save a life. This notion, transferred to surveying the complexities of global development, captivated Virginia Ziulu. The geospatial…

Celebrating women in evaluation

IEG is celebrating the remarkable contribution of women to the evaluation practice. Listen to some of them as they share perspectives on gender equality, how they continue to push for progress, and their message to…

Learning in World Bank Lending (Approach Paper)

The World Bank has a comparative advantage in development knowledge. External assessments, Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluations, and client surveys done by the World Bank and others consistently show that…
Sara village, Papua New Guinea - July 2015: Native people stand near their house on beautiful sunny day and look to photocamera at Sara village in Papua New Guinea. Photo: Michal Knitl/ShutterStock

The World Bank Group in Papua New Guinea, 2008-23

This evaluation assesses the relevance and effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s support to Papua New Guinea during Fiscal Years 2008-23.
Reader publication
Abstract image

Leveraging Imagery Data in Evaluations

This paper explores the potential of imagery data in evaluations and presents various data types and methodologies demonstrating their advantages and limitations
Reader publication
🎧 Reaching women and girls trapped in violence and conflict

🎧 Reaching women and girls trapped in violence and conflict

Listen on: Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. Women and girls living in countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence face multiple barriers that marginalize them from economic life and put them at a…
Two women wearing hard hats and working on a construction site

Assessing International Development Association’s support for jobs

A new evaluation finds that the jobs strategy of the International Development Association (IDA) has had a positive effect on employment in low-income countries and offers recommendations for how its interventions could…
Le Groupe de la Banque mondiale au Maroc : apprendre et s’adapter pour avoir un impact

Le Groupe de la Banque mondiale au Maroc : apprendre et s’adapter pour avoir un impact

Cet événement rassemble hauts responsables gouvernementaux, des représentants de la Banque mondiale et autres experts afin de discuter des conclusions d'une évaluation indépendante récemment publiée sur le soutien de la…

The World Bank Group in Morocco: Learning and Adapting for Impact

This event brings together senior government officials, World Bank representatives, and other experts to discuss the findings from a recently published independent evaluation of the World Bank’s support to the Kingdom…