IEG Data: WB Country Partnership Framework Ratings

This dashboard contains ratings data from IEG’s Completion and Learning Review Validations (CLRVs), which are validations (desk reviews) of World Bank (WB) self-assessments of Country Partnership Framework (CPF) performance. For selected countries, a full evaluation called Country Program Evaluation (CPE) is done. CPEs do not have ratings.

The default view shows ratings on IEG Development Outcome Rating, which has a 6-point scale. To change the view to show IEG Bank Performance Ratings (with a 4-point scale), use the IEG Ratings filter. The bar graph displays the distribution of ratings from all CLRVs over time.

The full data set is available for download here. The CLRV ratings data will be updated biannually. The as-of-date is shown below the visualization. To reset the dashboard to default state, click the revert-button.png the bottom. For best result, set your screen’s display scaling to 100%.


View also: WB Project Ratings | WB Project Lessons | RAP 23: IFC Investment and Advisory Project Ratings | RAP 23: MIGA Project Ratings