The World Bank Group in Papua New Guinea, 2008-23

Country Program Evaluation

This evaluation assesses the relevance and effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s support to Papua New Guinea during Fiscal Years 2008-23.

Sara village, Papua New Guinea - July 2015: Native people stand near their house on beautiful sunny day and look to photocamera at Sara village in Papua New Guinea. Photo: Michal Knitl/ShutterStock

Papua New Guinea has an abundant resource endowment of oil and mineral wealth, but this wealth has not translated into significant welfare gains for most citizens. This Country Program Evaluation assesses the relevance and effectiveness of World Bank Group support to Papua New Guinea between fiscal years 2008 and 2023. After assessing the evolution and performance of the Bank Group’s country strategy and portfolio, the evaluation drills down on three main constraints to growth and poverty reduction. These are the lack of investment in Papua New Guinea’s non-extractive sectors and their poor performance (chapter 4); the economic exclusion of women and GBV issues (chapter 5); and unmitigated disaster, violence, and conflict risks (chapter 6).

The report also offers key lessons to inform future World Bank Group support to Papua New Guinea.