
Displaying 841 - 850 of 5571
Putting Behavior Change at the Center of Development and Evaluation

Putting Behavior Change at the Center of Development and Evaluation

By putting people at the center of the development process, we start to understand why they choose what they do and the constraints they face.
What Can Development Stakeholders Learn from the Michelin Guide?

Evaluation for Results-Oriented Management - What Can Development Stakeholders Learn from the Michelin Guide?

At its heart, the Guide Michelin represents an evaluation system par excellence.

Ghana: agriculture development policy operations, phase I – IV

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) assesses the outcome and sustainability of two consecutive World Bank–financed programmatic series of DPOs in the agriculture sector in Ghana with a total disbursement…
Rethinking Evaluation - Efficiency, Efficiency, Efficiency

Rethinking Evaluation - Efficiency, Efficiency, Efficiency

In times of resource constraints – have there ever been days without? – one would think “efficiency” is at the top of the agenda for almost everyone. Unfortunately, we have seen limitations to this evaluation criterion…
Building Effective Partnetships Between the UN and World Bank Group

Building Effective Partnerships Between the UN and World Bank Group

An African proverb says: “If you want to go quick, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” But what if we need to go far—quickly? More specifically, how can the World Bank Group go far quickly together with its…

Pacific Islands - Completion and learning review for regional partnership framework for the period FY11-FY17 : IEG review

This is a summary of six CLR reviews covering the World Bank Group (WBG) programs for the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) of Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Samoa, Tonga, and Tuvalu. The summary is based on…

IEG LIVE: Has Off-Grid Electrification Come of Age?

Our panel of experts discuss the commercial viability and potential of off-grid technologies.
Conversations: The Role of Capital Markets in Financing the SDGs

Conversations: The Role of Capital Markets in Financing the SDGs

Following IEG's panel discussion about the role of capital markets in financing the SDGs, we invited the panelists to answer questions from our online viewers. Below are highlights from the exchange.

Peru - Fiscal Management and Competitiveness Programmatic Development Policy Loans Project

This PPAR evaluates the programmatic series of Peru FMCDPL I–IV and supplemental financing to FMCDPL II. The FMCDPL series aimed to support the government’s reform program to improve…
Framework for the Evaluation of Service Delivery

Boldly Going Where No Evaluator has Gone Before - A Framework for the Evaluation of Service Delivery

We adopted a definition of service delivery that places fundamental emphasis on meeting the expectations of citizen beneficiaries.