
Displaying 821 - 830 of 5571
Overcoming Challenges in a Shifting Landscape - Building Resilience

Overcoming Challenges in a Shifting Landscape - Building Resilience

Resilience has to be built with a recognition of complex connections between social, environmental, and economic domains.
World Bank Group Country Engagement: An Early-Stage Assessment of the Systematic Country Diagnostic and Country Partnership

World Bank Group Country Engagement: An Early-Stage Assessment of the Systematic Country Diagnostic and Country Partnership Framework

This evaluation, undertaken at the request of the Board of Executive Directors, provides an early look at how the SCD/CPF process is working, and identifies ways to strengthen the new country engagement model as it…

Crisis Response and Resilience to Systemic Shocks: Lessons from IEG Evaluations

The topic of resilience has gained prominence on the development agenda. Many of the Sustainable Development Goals relate to resilience.1 In the World Bank’s new strategy adopted in October 2013—achieving the twin goals…
Crisis Response and Resilience to Systemic Shocks: Lessons from IEG Evaluations

Crisis Response and Resilience to Systemic Shocks: Lessons from IEG Evaluations

This synthesis of existing evaluations seeks to draw lessons from key IEG evaluations of World Bank Group support for strengthening client country response and resilience to systemic shocks.

Mozambique - Country Partnership Framework Completion and Learning Review for the Period FY12-FY15 : IEG Review

Mozambique is a low income country with a GNI per capita of $1,120 in 2014. The country experienced rapid growth over the last 25 years, but high poverty rates persist, particularly in the rural areas. Data from the…
Rethinking Evaluation - Assessing Design Quality

Rethinking Evaluation - Assessing Design Quality

Will asking if an intervention's "intentions were right" be enough as we look toward the future?
video: evaluating the program for results lending instrument, PforR

VIDEO: Evaluating the Program for Results (PforR) Lending Instrument

This evaluation assesses the early experience with the design and implementation of Program for Results (PforR) operations and identifies lessons and recommendations to strengthen this new instrument.
Ask the Experts: Scaling up the World Bank Group’s Program-for-Results

Ask the Experts: Scaling up the World Bank Group’s Program-for-Results

Join us to review the Bank Group's early experience with the Program-for-Results (PforR) lending instrument.
VIDEO: IEG Assessment of Small State Resilience

VIDEO: IEG Assessment of Small State Resilience

Watch this short presentation to learn what works and what should be done better to help small states to be more resilient to environmental risks and natural disasters.
Does independent evaluation matter in institutions like the World Bank Group?

Why Does Independent Evaluation Matter?

What is the role of independent evaluation in an organization like the World Bank Group? How does independent evaluation contribute to the goals and mission of the World Bank Group? In this video blog, I share some…