The World Bank Group in Madagascar
ASA advisory services and analytics
CAS Country Assistance Strategy
COVID-19 coronavirus
CPF Country Partnership Framework
CSO civil society organization
DPO development policy operation
EP3 Third Environment Program Support Project
EU European Union
FY fiscal year
GBV gender-based violence
GDP gross domestic product
GPSA Global Partnership for Social Accountability
IDA International Development Association
IEG Independent Evaluation Group
IFC International Finance Corporation
ISN Interim Strategy Note
JIRAMA Jiro sy Rano Malagasy
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
NGO nongovernmental organization
OP Operational Policy
SAHA Soa Afafy Hampahomby ny ho Avy
SCD Systematic Country Diagnostic
SOE state-owned enterprise
TAA Turn Around Allocation
All dollar amounts are US dollars unless otherwise indicated.