Engaging Citizens for Better Development Results

In recent years, the world has seen formidable manifestations of citizens' engagement. By taking to the streets to condemn corruption scandals, by rallying on social media to address growing inequalities, or by participating in global consultations to develop the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ordinary citizens are increasingly eager and able to make their voices heard.

Ask the Experts: Early Lessons from the World Bank Group’s Country Engagement Model

In 2013, the World Bank Group launched a new model for engaging its client countries. Underpinned by two instruments – the systematic country diagnostic (SCD) and the country partnership framework (CPF), the new model is designed to promote greater country ownership and better align the World Bank Group’s work with client country development priorities.

World Bank Group Country Engagement: An Early-Stage Assessment of the Systematic Country Diagnostic and Country Partnership Framework

This evaluation, undertaken at the request of the Board of Executive Directors, provides an early look at how the SCD/CPF process is working, and identifies ways to strengthen the new country engagement model as it continues to unfold.