The If's and the How's of Public Private Partnerships

[Français] If you were a resident of Dakar, Senegal ten years ago, water – or more accurately the lack of it – was a challenge to be confronted on a daily basis. Water shortages were rampant. The utilities that were meant to supply it lacked the resources to meet demand and the money needed to fix the pipes to bring what water there was to households. Then the World Bank got involved.  It assisted the government of Senegal by inviting the private sector to invest in and operate the water distribution network.

Les partenariats public-privé : à quelles conditions et comment?

[English] Si vous viviez à Dakar, au Sénégal, il y a une dizaine d'années, vous savez que l'eau — ou plutôt le manque d’eau, pour être plus juste — constituait un véritable défi quotidien. Les pénuries étaient fréquentes. Les services qui étaient supposés distribuer l’eau n'avaient ni les ressources pour répondre à la demande, ni l'argent nécessaire pour réparer le réseau censé faire parvenir le peu d'eau disponible jusqu'aux usagers. Puis la Banque mondiale s'en est mêlée.

World Bank Group Support to Public-Private Partnerships

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have seen a rise in the last two decades and are now used in more than 134 developing countries, contributing about 15-20 percent of total infrastructure investment. Nonetheless, most developing countries - and the World Bank Group itself in its latest strategy, A Stronger, Connected Solutions World Bank Group - continue to see significant potential and need for expanded use of PPPs to help overcome inadequate infrastructure, which constrains economic growth.