Outcome Ratings Increase Across Entire World Bank Group

The World Bank's project outcome ratings, which have been improving steadily since FY10, saw a steep increase of 9 percentage points in FY20, according to IEG's Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2021 (RAP2021). The International Finance Corporation's (IFC) ratings for investment projects increased on a three-year rolling basis for the first time in 10 years and the ratings for advisory projects continue to improve.

Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2020

Brief description

This report, also known as RAP 2020, is an annual review of the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group. To provide new perspectives on performance, RAP 2020 also analyzes outcomes and discusses ways in which the Bank Group can continue to enhance its outcome orientation.

Checking the boxes: How Can the World Bank Group integrate Gender Strategy and Profitability into its Operations

  • What are the key factors that impact project performance?
  • Which regions and GPs are performing better, and why?
  • What are the recent trends in WBG performance?
  • Are we checking the (right!) boxes when we integrate gender into WBG operations? 

And what implications will all of these have for the future?

Never enough? Resources, knowledge and staying power for gender equality


The new gender strategy presents a unique opportunity for us all to support the World Bank Group in getting the implementation right this time. It will require the Bank Group to move decisively towards documenting results rather than intentions, and to think more of the quality of gender integration. To put down the resources at all levels and, above all, to stay the course.

Is the World Bank Group on course to meet the twin goals?


Earlier this month, the Independent Evaluation Group released its 2015 annual report, looking back at our operations over the twelve months ending June 2015. This year's IEG report is significant for many reasons, not least because it marks the first year since the World Bank Group launched its most far-reaching internal reorganization in recent years.