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Evaluating for People and the Planet

Validating for Accountability and Learning

The majority of microproducts produced by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) are validations of self-evaluations performed by specific types of teams throughout the Bank Group. These documents critically assess the evidence provided in the self-evaluations, its quality, and the attribution of results to the activities or actions supported by the project under review. They provide a systematic way for IEG to contribute to learning and accountability.

World Bank Project Validations

IEG validates the self-evaluations of every completed World Bank country program and project. Check out the interactive map in chapter 3 for a visual of where we’ve covered projects and links to validations for each country.

Completion and Learning Review Validations

At the completion of each Country Partnership Framework, the Bank Group team prepares a Completion and Learning Review (CLR), which is a critical input in the design and implementation of the next Country Partnership Framework. IEG independently validates and rates 100 percent of CLRs, with each Completion and Learning Review Validation (CLRV) completed in 45 days. In fiscal year (FY)23, IEG completed 26 CLRVs. CLRVs

  • Are an independent, desk-based review of the CLR;
  • Use a shared methodology with the Bank Group to assess what was achieved in terms of the stated objectives, how well the Bank Group designed and implemented the program, and how well the program is aligned with the Bank Group corporate strategy; and
  • Provide an independent rating on the Country Partnership Framework’s development outcomes and the Bank Group’s performance.


Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews

For each World Bank project, the Region completes an Implementation Completion and Results Report (ICR), which provides a complete and systematic account of operation performance and results at the project level. IEG validates 100 percent of these self-evaluations using the Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews (ICRRs). In FY23, IEG completed 274 ICRRs. ICRRs

  • Are independent, desk-based, critical validations of the evidence, content, narrative, and ratings included in the ICR;
  • Use evidence from the ICR and an interview with the last task team leader to rate the project using the same evaluation criteria as the World Bank project teams; and
  • Assess the quality of the ICR’s self-evaluation using the quality of evidence, quality of analysis, extent to which lessons are based on evidence and analysis, the ICR’s results orientation, internal consistency, consistency with ICR guidelines, and conciseness.

Private Sector Validations

IEG performs validations of International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) self-evaluations. Because they contain proprietary information, they are not publicly disclosed.

Expanded Project Supervision Report Evaluation Notes

For IFC investment projects, IFC completes Expanded Project Supervision Reports (XPSRs) for about 40 percent of active projects that were approved by the Board of Executive Directors five years earlier. IEG independently validates these using XPSR Evaluative Notes. In FY23, IEG completed 90 XPSR Evaluative Notes. XPSR Evaluative Notes

  • Follow XPSR guidelines, which provide the evaluation framework and performance rating criteria;
  • Use an objective-based and benchmark-based evaluation system and performance ratings; and
  • Assess development outcome, IFC additionality, IFC investment outcome, and IFC’s work quality, as well as the sustainability of development and IFC investment outcomes in the longer run.

Project Completion Report Evaluative Notes

For IFC advisory projects, IFC completes a Project Completion Report (PCR). IEG independently validates about 50 percent of these through PCR Evaluative Notes. In FY23, IEG completed 75 PCR Evaluative Notes. PCR Evaluative Notes

  • Follow PCR guidelines, which provide evaluation frameworks and performance rating criteria;
  • Use an objective-based methodology that establishes minimum thresholds for rating and assessing project effectiveness; and
  • Assess development effectiveness, IFC’s role and contribution, and IFC’s work quality, as well as the sustainability of results in the longer run.

Project Evaluation Report Validation Notes

For all MIGA guarantee projects that have reached early operating maturity, MIGA prepares a Project Evaluation Report (PER) that IEG independently validates through a PER Validation Note. In FY23, IEG completed eight PER Validation Notes. PER Validation Notes

  • Follow PER guidelines, which provide the evaluation framework and performance rating criteria;
  • Use an objective-based and benchmark-based evaluation system and performance ratings; and
  • Assess development outcome, MIGA’s role and contribution, and MIGA’s work quality.