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The World Bank Group's Engagement in Morocco 2011-21


This evaluation was prepared by an Independent Evaluation Group team led by Estelle Raimondo, senior evaluation officer, under the guidance and supervision of Jeffrey Allen Chelsky, manager, Economic Management and Country Programs Unit, and the overall direction of Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez, Acting Director-General, Evaluation. Oversight in the final stages was provided by Carmen Nonay, acting director, Human Development and Economic Management.

The team comprised Jennifer Keller, senior economist, who led the work on private sector development with Sandy Wark, consultant; Unurjargal Demberel, evaluation officer, who led the International Finance Corporation analysis with Carlos Stagliano, consultant; Ramachandra Jammi, senior evaluation officer, who led the work on sustainable development with Ihsan Kaler Hurcan and Vijay Jagannathan, consultants; Khadija Saoudi, consultant, who led the work on human capital; Santiago Ramirez Rodriguez, evaluation analyst, who led the work on governance and the portfolio analysis; Derek Beach, methods fellow, who led the process-tracing study with Ariya Hagh, methods specialist; Virginia Ziulu, data scientist, who led the geospatial analyses; Harsh Anuj, data scientist, who led the partner analysis; and Jean-Jacques Ahouansou, program assistant, who led the content analysis using NVivo. Carla Fabiola Coles, program assistant, coordinated the virtual mission and report preparation. Maximillian Ashwill was the report’s primary editor.

The evaluation team is grateful to the following external reviewers: Nicolas Blancher, division chief at the International Monetary Fund and former mission chief for Morocco; Rim Berahab, senior economist at the Policy Center for the New South, a think tank based in Rabat; and Anne-Lise Reve, associate director for Morocco at the French Development Agency.

The team is grateful to the numerous representatives from the Moroccan government, private sector entities, and international and bilateral development partners who provided valuable insight. The team also greatly benefited from the World Bank and International Finance Corporation country teams in coordinating the virtual mission, especially Mouna Hamden, senior operations officer; Ghita Hannane, country officer for the International Finance Corporation; and Bachir Abdaym, operations officer.