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A Bridge to the Future

Chapter 7 | The Other Side of the Bridge

In FY22, IEG will begin to implement the changes suggested by the internal reviews and initiatives that were concluded in FY21. This includes changes to microproducts, advancing the outcome orientation agenda, and boosting the use of advanced technology and data science in our work.

Although the global strategic context changed more in FY21 than in most other years, IEG will continue to evaluate along six work streams: (i) gender; (ii) fragility, conflict, and violence; (iii) climate change and environmental sustainability; (iv) Mobilizing Finance for Development; (v) human capital; and (vi) jobs, growth, and shared prosperity. Two cross-cutting themes create bridges among these topics: (i) governance and institutions and (ii) the Bank Group’s corporate effectiveness.

IEG will continue to align with the Bank Group’s COVID-19 response priorities while keeping an eye on emerging and long-standing corporate priorities. These include the special themes and cross-cutting areas from the 20th Replenishment of IDA, climate change, debt sustainability, the new Bank Group knowledge framework, and the outcome orientation agenda. All of this will be done while promoting a strong and durable recovery through evidence to inform green, resilient, and inclusive development.

The nascent GEI will find its footing during its first complete year of operation. The initiative will bring the global evaluation community together in a way that is particularly important to develop the evidenced-based policies to cope with the impacts of the pandemic and get back on track toward the Sustainable Development Goals. Through programs, partnerships, and training, GEI will boost delivery on IEG’s mandate to build ECD in client countries.


IEG will increase its attention to the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda, in line with corporate priorities, in particular on ending racism. IEG Academy is increasing offerings on topics related to DEI, and management is actively working to build a pipeline of diverse candidates (both staff and consultants) based on gender, nationality, race, work experience, and educational backgrounds. The DEI and ending racism agendas will remain central to how we work—a truly diverse and inclusive team is a stronger team.

Crossing FY21 was a huge challenge, full of uncertainty, global tragedy, and overwhelming change. At IEG, we met the bumps in the road with determination and innovation, finding new ways to collect and share data, and new meaning in past lessons learned. FY22 promises more rough ground, but with our ingenuity and proven ability to adapt, we know we can continue to use cutting-edge evaluation techniques to uncover lessons that improve development effectiveness.

Learn more about our FY22 plans and goals in the FY22 Work Program and Budget.