Evaluating for People and the Planet
Fiscal Year 2023 Overview
Note: IFC = International Finance Corporation; MIGA = Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.a. The name of this product has been changed from Completion and Learning Review Review to Completion and Learning Review Validation (CLRV) to remove the redundancy in the name. No changes have been made to the substance, format, or process of the report.b. The Country Engagement Guidance of July 1 2021, moved production of CLRV to earlier in the Country Partnership Framework preparation cycle, so that the CLRV may inform the preparation of the Country Partnership Framework. The final CLRV is delivered to the Region once it is completed and is delivered to the Board of Executive Directors in time for its consideration of the new Country Partnership Framework. Thus, the Independent Evaluation Group reports on both the number of CLRVs delivered to the Board and the number of CLRVs delivered to the Regions.
Note: GFDRR = Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery; IFC = International Finance Corporation; MEL = Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning.
Note: FY = fiscal year; IDA = International Development Association.