Evaluating for People and the Planet
Evaluating around the Planet in Fiscal Year 2023
The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) validates the self-evaluations of every completed World Bank country program and project, and a sample of completed projects from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). We also evaluate individual projects to find specific lessons that can be applied more broadly. This resulted in hundreds of Completion and Learning Review Validations, Implementation Completion and Results Report Reviews, and Project Performance Assessment Reports in fiscal year 2023. These fundamentally important microproducts become the building blocks of IEG’s macroevaluations. We also took a closer look at how well Country Partnership Frameworks performed in five countries through Country Program Evaluations.
Explore these reports by country, type, or World Bank Region in this interactive map.
Note: CLRV = Completion and Learning Review Validation; CPE = Country Program Evaluation; ICRR = Implementation Completion and Results Report Review; PPAR = Project Performance Assessment Report.