Independent evaluation helps institutions look "outside the system" to identify issues.


Independent evaluation plays an important role to raise issues that other people might not raise. So when you are part of an institution like the World Bank Group, you are very often a part of a culture which tells you very clearly which boats you can rock and which ones you can’t rock; which issues you can raise and which ones you have to accept as simply being part of the system. Independence helps us to look at these issues and report on them where systemic changes are needed.

Watch the video blog for more on my thoughts about why independent evaluation matters in the World Bank Group.



Great points Caroline, I do agree that evaluation will raise the issues and look for solutions that will help management in doing things better. Sometimes, making people understand this point will require a huge amount efforts and time. Thanks. Abdul Majeed


Thank you very much Caroline, this is great and very true, it also makes World Bank Group look more inclusive. For instance, the youth and women related policies really need to be integrated within the World Bank Group Systems other wise these two particular groups chances are they will be marginalised for the rest of 21st century. This is the change that is needed, innovate ideas. I really salute the work of IEG,congratulations

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