Effective tax systems are critical element in driving economic progress. Declining overseas development assistance and dwindling FDI inflows in many developing countries have resulted in greater attention to domestic resource mobilization. As a result, key actors in the development community, including the EU, World Bank Group and IMF are increasingly looking at ways to support country clients to improve tax collection and strengthen domestic enabling environments. IEG recently disclosed a report reviewing the Bank Group’s support to tax policy and administration reform over FY2005-15. It identifies the drivers of performance as well as lessons to inform the future work of the Bank Group.

Our panel of experts from multilateral financial and development institutions explored the pivotal role of tax revenue mobilization in financing the achievement of the 2030 development agenda.

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Pablo Fajnzylber
Economic Management and Country Programs
Independent Evaluation Group


James A. Brumby
Director, Public Sector and Institutions
Governance Global Practice
World Bank


Claude Leroy-Themeze
Senior Economist
Economic Management and Country Programs
Independent Evaluation Group


Sudarshan Gooptu
Lead Economist
Macroeconomics & Fiscal Management Global Practice
World Bank 

Anton Kamenov
Fiscal Advisor to the United States Agency for International Development 

Blanca Moreno-Dodson
Lead Economist, PSI - Revenue, Open Government and Local Justice
Governance Global Practice, World Bank

Mario Mansour
Deputy Division Chief
Tax Policy, Fiscal Affairs Department
International Monetary Fund 

Agustina Schijman
Economics Senior Specialist
Office of Evaluation and Oversight
Inter-American Development Bank 



I value the efforts to enhance tax revenues in many countries and would like to know whether there are any thoughts to use this opportunity to de-incentivize over-exploitation of natural resources and divert resources for conservation?

Thank you.


The tax revenue mobilization in financing the achievement of the 2030 development agenda is a challenge for the least developed countries, so how to deal with tax revenue mobilization with the achievement of the sustainable developments goals when a high rate of population doesn’t have a minimum of taxable revenue and where the mobilization of tax revenue on the small rate of population in less developed countries should derivate to the unemployment and inflation accordingly to the Phillips curve as the high pressure of tax revenue is linked to the dropping of the real private income in the fragile economy of less developed countries due to the increase of tax revenue.


Has the Systematic Country Diagnostics been done for the three countries in West Africa affected by the just ended Ebola crisis as it relates to tax reform? If yes, what have been the findings? If not, what will it take to get it done?


Social sector donors are increasingly talking about transitioning from external to domestic financing for the social sectors. There is pressure to deliver on this agenda and initiatives such as the Global Financing Facility for every mother and every child has been set-up to help increase domestic resources mobilization. As pointed out by Blanca the Bank is uniquely placed to work across sectors. How can we improve collaboration between MFM GP and the HD GPs to help deliver on this agenda?


There is increased pressure on client countries to increase domestic financing for the social sectors. The GFF and other initiatives have been set up to work on this agenda. Blanca mentioned that WB is uniquely positioned to work across sectors. From the panelists perspective, what are opportunities for strengthen collaboration between MFM GP and HNP/ EDU GP when it comes to increasing DRM for social sectors?


en el gobierno de nestor kisner el BM financio un préstamo que nunca se supo cuanto era su monto y menos para que se
utilizo dentro del paquete incluía equipos solares los cuales el que suscrive dijo que no servían para este lugar argentina
el motivo es que las aguas no son bien tratadas entonces los equipos se anulan entonces el funcionario contesto no importa el BM nos da un resarcimiento por la compra en el gobierno de vigente el BM del señor MACRI se le presto para la provincia de chaco un monto considerable del cual es para gestionar la pobreza no a publicado nada como se utilizan los fondos el BM no tiene compromiso pero deveria exigir y monitoriar el seguimiento de los dineros para que
cumplan la finalidad requerida porque como ciudadano me are cargo de pagar


With regards to your event on Getting to 2030: The Role of Tax Revenue Mobilization, I would like to bring your attention to our recent
publication on the related topic of Revenue Mobilization & Management in Sectors, with the Background and Case Studies on user fees
and charges in selected sectors in Albania, Moldova, Serbia and Germany. Please find it at the following link: https://www.cef-see.org/assets/files/RMMS2016.pdf


En una economía como la hondureña, ¿Que impacto económico obtendría al sustituir el principio de Renta Mundial por el de Renta Territorial? Suena un poco absurdo la pregunta, pero en el país se ha argumentado que se va obtener un incremento significativo de la Inversión Extranjera Directa. Se podría deducir que la DRM podría tener su efecto en el corto plazo.

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