Recent developments have raised global attention to the increasing threats that many countries encounter, in terms of vulnerability to natural disasters, climate change, fragility, conflict, and macroeconomic volatility.

Building on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, other stakeholder insights and recent work by the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group, this event will explore how the World Bank Group and its development partners can better assist client countries in improving their resilience to acute systemic shocks.

 Keep the conversation going on twitter at #BuildResilience


Welcome Remarks
Caroline Heider

Caroline Heider
Director General of the Independent Evaluation Group

Caroline Heider has more than 25 years of international experience, the majority of which is in evaluation. Prior to joining the World Bank Group in 2011, she worked with five multilateral organizations, including the Asian Development Bank, International Fund for Agriculture Development, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNDP, and the World Food Program. She is a life-time member of the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS). She served a 2-year term as vice-chair of the UN Evaluation Group...

Keynote Speaker

the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell
Prime Minister, Grenada

In the February 19th, 2013 elections, Dr. Mitchell and his New National Party won all 15 Seats to once again form the government. This marked the second time that his party achieved such a historic feat. On February 20th, 2013, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell was sworn in as Prime Minister for the fourth time. Dr. Mitchell is currently the Lead Head for Science and Technology under CARICOM, and the Chair of the Small States Forum. Prime Minister Mitchell is also the Minister of Finance and Energy, National Security, Information, Implementation, Disaster Management and Home Affairs...

Robert Glasser

Robert Glasser
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction

Robert Glasser is the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction. From 2008-15 he was the Secretary General of CARE International, one of the world’s largest non-governmental humanitarian organisations. From 2003-7, Dr Glasser was the Chief Executive of CARE Australia. Prior to joining CARE, he was Assistant Director General at AusAID. Dr Glasser has also worked on international energy and environmental policy for the US Department of Energy and on peace and conflict issues at a variety of institutions...

 Keiko Honda

Keiko Honda
Executive VP and CEO, MIGA

Keiko Honda is the Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the political risk insurance and credit enhancement arm of the World Bank Grp. Previously, Honda was the first woman senior partner in Asia at McKinsey & Company. There, she advised financial institutions on matters related to corporate finance, corporate strategy, and business development. She has served on a number of Japanese government committees, including the Council of Regulatory Reform...

 Ivo Menzinger

Ivo Menzinger
Managing Director, Global Partnerships, Swiss Re

Ivo is Client Executive for public sector Global Accounts and Business Development activities at Swiss Re with governments, development and non-governmental organisations, based in Zurich. He has held several key positions since 1998 including Head of Sustainability & Emerging Risk Management, Managing Director of Corporate Strategy and Enterprise Steering, reporting directly to the CEO. He co-established Global Partnerships in 2011. He is a member of OECD's High Level Advisory Board on the Financial Management of Catastrophes...

Yasushi Kanazaki

Yasushi Kanzaki
Senior Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Mr. Yasushi Kanzaki was appointed as Vice-President of JICA on 1 October 2015. Before this position, he served as Director General of the Budget, Personnel and Management Systems Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) from 2011-15. As Director General, he was in charge of human resources, budget, and organizational issues at ADB. Mr. Kanzaki has over 30 years of professional experience in public and multilateral institutions since he started his professional career in the Ministry of Finance of Japan in 1983.

Raj Kumar

Raj Kumar
President and Editor-in-Chief, DEVEX

Raj Kumar is the founding president and editor-in-chief of Devex, the media platform for the global development community. A social entrepreneur and digital media executive, he chairs the Humanitarian Council of the World Economic Forum and is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative and the Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. Kumar Raj began his career working in President Clinton’s campaign and later became Principal and Political Director at Penn, Schoen & Berland, the political strategy and polling firm that served Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mike Bloomberg, Tony Blair, Bill Gates, and dozens of other elected and corporate leaders....

Photo: © Andrea Borgarello/The World Bank Group



What role should the development community take to increase local building and land use regulation for risk reduction in low and middle-income countries?


I am wondering about the GFDRR. How does it function as a fund for Sendai implementation. Who can implement projects using GFDRR financing based on the modality ? Is it difficult to access? Can it be like the GEF ? How is it replenished ?


According to the 2014 World Disaster Report (IFRC), disaster risk & recovery projects fail if we ignore how people really relate to risk. Do you think this is true?
How do you think people "really relate to risk?"


I wonder when major economies will reduce the reliance on Aid for risk reduction as atool for creating jobs and services overseas? also increasing risks by subsidies- especially for agriculture.????


We may want to consider whether development policies, investment and projects to date might have undermined resilience?


How can national governments and development partners engage fragile states in the proccess of maping, measuring and adressing and increasing thier Resilience in the Face of Increasing Threats in low and middle-income countries?


Are academic and research institutions empowered enough to come up with innovative solutions to challenge climate change related problems


There are around 24 different Resilience Frameworks in use globally or internationally today. Would you agree that this is a specific example of complimentary actions that needs to be addressed -if we were talk about convergence in the first place? While, likely, we may not consider this situation as part of the "fragmentation of solutions that worsen vulnerability rather than strengthen resilience", any opinion about how this variety of frameworks influences the way we determine whether our interventions for achieving resilience are working or not?


in building local level resilience, are supporting development partners/multilateral financial institution able to discern which old/new financing modalities are most suitable?


There is a risk that the 'resilience' objective will be used to promote policies that favour 'stasis', ie keeping things unchanged as much as possible. However true resilience in nature and in society comes from adapatibility. Therefore should the core advice to policy makers be that resilience is best achieved through policies that facilitate change?


A crisis is an inflection point. It is that point when multiple outcomes become possible. How can Disaster prone areas in Africa and middle East build economic and emotional Resilience #BuildResilience


Talking about macro-Economic volatility, What appears to be missing is a bold, holistic and audacious effort to harmonize fiscal, monetary and macro-prudential policies in a bold and concerted manner that will triger needed development in countries most exposed to crisis and economic shocks #BuildResilience


Thanks for inviting me and the scope for putting Qs.
Thanks to the honorable panelists to put us forward towards Vision 2020 and 2030. I have just couple of questions on this issue/s, based on my understanding as a result of grassroots attachment.
1. How UN planning to develop and promote comprehensive DRR strategies around the world
2. What should be the role of Govt. in each countries and UN bodies in integrating approaches for risk reduction
3. How the severely affected countries will be supported beyond the general framework for risk reductions
4. What is the plan of UN and others in promoting best adaptation technologies and techniques al ready in place
5. How the big causes like food security and shelter, following health and basic service provisions are priorities in coming vision 2020 to 2030
6. How will you secure or ensure technology justice for the poor
7. How theories and practical actions on the ground could be balanced or more actions, less studies
8. How The World Bank can take more lead and proactive role in favor of the communities through funding to the national and international NGOs parallel to the Govts.
8. I can see a big portion of funds are simply using for capturing knowledge and documentation since long and benefitting so call experts/institutions, rather than adequate funding or investment to reduce vulnerability or protection to the communities already affected around the world (might be wrong, if so I apologies in an advance),
9. One of my opinion, So far we are taking a lot, in compare to actions on the ground. How can we minimize the practices.
I believe together WE CAN to fit our lives in this planet for us now and the generations to come.
On the basis of compromise with the nature, rather that resist and fair share and equal distribution of natural resources and opportunities for the marginalized communities all over the world. Finally, Forgetting conflicts, trans boundary natural resource sharing and un necessary debts and arguments.
Good Luck for a successful event.


Caroline Heider asks the question "Given the greater and greater specialization of sectors and professions, are we able to find the necessary convergence of complementary initiatives that in combination will make us — humanity — more resilient?" in her opinion piece on Devex. I would like to ask the panel to dive more deeply into that question.


Resilience and national security: do you see the opportunity for paths to additional funding streams if these two objectives begin to be linked, especially at a time of rising nationalist agendas?


Hmm is anyone else having problems with the pictures on this blog loading? I'm trying to determine if its a problem on my end or if it's the blog. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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