Conversations: Is Off-Grid Electrification the Key to Sustainable Energy for All?

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #7 commits the global development community to “ensur[ing] access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.” Currently over one billion people - predominantly in rural areas - don't have access to electricity. In order to reach Goal 7, about 113 million connections per year are needed, making it one of the most ambitious and challenging of the SDGs.

IEG LIVE: Has Off-Grid Electrification Come of Age?

The Sustainable Development Goal #7 to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030 has brought about a renewed focus on the 1.1 billion people around the world without any access to electricity. The increasing commercial viability of off-grid technologies provides an effective and scalable complement to traditional electricity grid expansion, and the opportunity to rapidly improve the livelihoods of millions across the globe.