Conversations: What More Can the World Bank Group Do to Support Environmental Sustainability?

Sustainable development — particularly environmental sustainability — is a central tenet of the World Bank Group’s strategy. 

IEG’s recent Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (RAP) report provides a timely review of the Bank Group portfolio performance and examines how the Bank Group has mainstreamed and measured projects with potential environmental benefits.

Uncovering Factors of Project Success: A Literature Review

At IEG, we’re often asked “Why do some World Bank projects succeed, while others fail?” Dozens of development professionals, academics, and researchers have struggled with this question, and their answers are complex. There are so many critical factors and variables that might have a positive, negative, or neutral association with project performance; and not everyone agrees on which factors matter most.  

Doing More and Doing Better: Key Takeaways from the Launch of the Results and Performance of the World Bank Group Report

For me, what was most insightful: in areas where Management had set clear goals, we observed positive trends. In others, investments even declined. What is empowering about this finding is the “power of signaling effects” and how responsive the institutions are to well-articulated and understood goals. Ongoing and future work of the World Bank, IFC, and IEG will follow.


RAP 2017 - HD Practice Group Update

RAP 2017   >   Practice Group Updates   >   HD

Human Development (HD) Practice Group Update

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RAP 2017 - SD Practice Group Update

RAP 2017   >   Practice Group Updates   >   SD

Sustainable Development (SD) Practice Group Update

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