Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2018 - Appendixes

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A. Additional Information on WB Project Performance

  • What are the trends, patterns, comparisons, or underlying numbers for specific subgroups of projects?

    - Over time (3-year rolling, annual)
    - Region
    - IBRD/IDA
    - FCV status
    - Global Practice
    - Project size categories
  • What are the patterns for specific ratings (for a subgroup)?

    - Outcome
    - Quality at Entry
    - Quality of Supervision
    - Bank Performance
    - M&E Quality
  • What are the patterns for Country Strategy ratings?

B. Results and Performance of IFC Investment Projects

  • What are the trends in performance of IFC Investment projects?
  • How do the ratings for the four indicators of Development Outcome differ from each other?
  • What “works” vs “does not,” for:

    - The four Industry Groups?
    - FCV environments?
  • How do the ratings for IDA differ from non-IDA and why?
  • What are some of the concerns in the performance of IFC Equity investments?
  • How do the ratings for Large vs Medium vs Small differ and why?
  • What are some of the main reasons for decline in the ratings of Quality of Supervision?

C. Results and Performance of IFC Advisory Services Projects

  • What are the trends in performance of IFC Advisory Service projects?
  • How do the ratings for IDA differ from non-IDA and the areas of weakness?
  • What are some of the key findings from the review of Large Advisory Service Projects in IDA Countries?
  • What are key findings from the review of linked IFC Investments and Advisory projects in Financial Markets and FCV?
  • What are key findings on quality of IFC’s Work in Project Preparation and Design for Advisory Service Projects?

D. Results and Performance of MIGA Projects

  • What are the trends in performance of MIGA projects?
  • How do the ratings for the four indicators of Development
  • Outcome differ for each other?
  • Why is the performance of MIGA projects in Financial Markets weakest among the sectors?
  • How do the ratings for IDA differ from non-IDA?
  • Why is MIGA’s Assessment, Underwriting and Monitoring quality in Financial Markets weakest among the sectors?

E. Analysis of Quality at Entry in WB Projects

  • What are the specific findings related to quality at entry?
  • How did IEG go about this analysis of quality at entry? (Definition, design, methodology)

F. Codebook for Qualitative Analysis of Quality at Entry

  • For the quality at entry analysis, what were the coding categories used for analysis?

G. Background on WB Project Performance Ratings

  • How are ratings data sourced from IEG’s ICRRs?
  • In what ways did the 2017 ICR Reform change ICR Reviews and IEG ICRR ratings?
  • What types of WB projects are (and are not) covered by IEG’s project ratings data?
  • What percent of projects are covered by the IEG ICRR data underlying this report?

H. Analysis of Safeguard Reporting in Recent ICRRs

  • What is the basis for the findings related to safeguards reporting?

I. Gender Incorporation in WB Project Development Objectives, Components, and Indicators

  • What is the basis for the findings related to gender reporting?

J. Management Action Record: Additional Data and Methodology

  • What is the basis for the findings on the Management Action Record?

K. Major and Meso Evaluations, Independent Evaluation Group

  • In brief, what were the findings of IEG’s recent major and meso evaluations?

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