This has been an important year for development globally. 2015 marked the launch of the new sustainable development goals (SDGs) - a new set of goals, which seek to build on the earlier Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).  2015 was also the year in which the world came together to address climate change, resulting in the historic Paris COP21 agreement.

Here on the #What Works blog, we followed these events, blogged about them and invited you to share your comments and insights. In our Evaluation Beyond 2015 series, I wrote about the implications of the Sustainable Development Goals, Finance for Development, and the Climate Summit COP21.

Over the year, we also shared key findings from IEG's evaluation work, which looks at client services of the World Bank Group and draws relevant insights for the development community. For instance, we blogged about major evaluation findings on the topics of early childhood development, electricity access, working in resource-rich countries, small business development, and financial inclusion.

We are grateful that so many of you engaged on these topics. And we are particularly appreciative of the thousands of readers, who responded through comments, likes, retweets and shares. The next year will present new opportunities to further many of these conversations and we look forward to continuing the dialogue.

To view some of the year's highlights, we curated some of our best blogs from 2015. Check out the timeline below and let us know what you think. You can also tell us in the comments what topics you would like us to cover in the coming year.

The #What Works blog will be back in January. Here's to wishing you Happy Holidays. See you in 2016!

2015 Best #What Works Blogs Timeline

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