
Displaying 901 - 910 of 5571

Diagnostic Framework: How to Assess the Capacity of a Government’s Financial Management Information System as a Budget Management Tool

A government’s capacity to manage its public finances is central to its ability to deliver services. Well-functioning accounting and financial management systems are among the basics that facilitate this, and…
small states, pacific islands countries, organisation of eastern caribbean states, oecs, pics, ieg blog

Small States, Big Challenges, Unique Solutions

This week, the World Bank Group hosts the Annual Small States Forum, on the sidelines of the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings. Leaders from over 50 countries, the United Nations, Commonwealth Secretariat and other…

INFOGRAPHIC: Do Early Childhood Interventions Have Lasting Effects?

Early childhood interventions on development outcomes latest effects

Private Sector Development: Recent Lessons from Independent Evaluation

This brochure summarizes key findings and recommendations of recent IEG evaluations of financial and private sector development work of the Bank Group from 2014 to 2016.

Ethiopia, Mali, Morocco, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia - Africa Stockpiles Program Project

Ratings for the Africa Stockpiles Program were as follows: outcome was unsatisfactory, risk to development outcome was moderate, Bank performance was unsatisfactory, and Borrower performance was moderately satisfactory…

IEG Insights - Transformational Engagements: Accelerating Progress to Achieve Development Goals

Transformational engagements are a critical pillar of the 2013 World Bank Group's strategy for achieving its twin goals of extreme poverty elimination and shared prosperity. In Supporting Transformational Change…

IEG Annual Report 2016 - Evaluations that Matter

In keeping with our goal of informing the World Bank Group’s activities and operations with timely, relevant evaluations, IEG refocused its work during the year. We introduced three strategic engagement areas (SEAs)—…
Annual Report 2016: Evaluations that Matter

Annual Report 2016: Evaluations that Matter

Our theme for this year’s annual report, “Evaluations that Matter,” reflects IEG’s commitment to influencing the World Bank Group’s agenda through insights that are timely, useful and targeted at the most critical…
Evaluations that Matter – Looking Back at IEG’s Contributions in 2016

Evaluations that Matter – Looking Back at IEG’s Contributions in 2016

IEG's annual report is an opportunity to take stock of what we have produced and what difference that has made.
country program evaluation, world bank group engagement in small states

World Bank Group Engagement in Small States

The Cases of the OECS, Pacific Island Countries, Mauritius, the Seychelles, Cabo Verde, and Djibouti - Clustered Country Program Evaluation