
Displaying 741 - 750 of 5571
Growing the Rural Non-Farm Economy to Alleviate Poverty

Growing the Rural Non-Farm Economy to Alleviate Poverty

This evaluation assesses the World Bank Group's contribution to the creation of sustainable income generation for the poor within the rural non-farm economy and the extent to which this has led to reduced poverty.

Grow With the Flow: IEG Evaluation of World Bank Group Support to Facilitating Trade 2006-17 (Approach Paper)

This potential, however, is often constrained by high transaction costs related to moving goods and providing services across borders which constrain gains from trade. Lower income countries, which are more likely to…
The Many Faces of World Bank Data

The Many Faces of World Bank Data

What IEG learned evaluating how effectively the World Bank has supported development data production, sharing, and use.
Tony Elumelu

How Should Governments and Development Institutions Engage the Private Sector?

Entrepreneur and philanthropist Tony Elumelu shares his thoughts on how the private sector can support the sustainable development goals, and what multilateral institutions can do to help.

Harnessing the Power of the Private Sector In Support of Sustainable Development

This Annual Meetings event will explore emerging opportunities and trends for tapping private capital to advance the 2030 agenda.
Getting to the Sustainable Development Goals- How can we Harness the Private Sector?

Getting to the Sustainable Development Goals- How can we Harness the Private Sector?

What role should multilateral development institutions like the World Bank Group play in boosting private sector investment in the SDGs, and what can countries do differently to become more attractive investment…
Influence through Evaluations – a Year in Review

Influence through Evaluations- a Year in Review

Against the context of increased expectations, limited resources, and competing demands, fiscal year (FY) 17 was a great year for IEG.

Republic of Mali : rural community development project

This is a project performance review of the Rural Community Development Project (PACR) financed by the International Development Association (IDA) and implemented between 2005 and 2014 across four regions of Mali.…
Data for Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Support for Data and Statistical Capacity

Data for Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Support for Data and Statistical Capacity

This evaluation assesses how effectively the World Bank has supported development data production, sharing, and use, and suggests ways to improve its approach.
Mobile Metropolises: Urban Transport Matters

Mobile Metropolises: Urban Transport Matters

This evaluation assesses the World Bank Group’s effectiveness in supporting countries’ efforts to achieve mobility for all (including the poor, women, and disabled persons), sustainable urban transport service delivery…