
Displaying 691 - 700 of 5571

Tanzania - Completion and learning review country assistance strategy progress report for the period of FY12-15 : IEG review

This review of Tanzania’s Completion Report of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) covers the period of the original CAS, FY12-15, and the Country…

Nicaragua - Completion and learning review for country partnership framework for the period FY13-FY17 : IEG review

Nicaragua is a lower middle-income country with a GNI per capita of $2,050 in 2016. Nicaragua’s annual economic growth increased from 3.3 percent during the prior CPS period (2008-2012) to 4.9 percent during the CPS…

Brazil : integrated solid waste management and carbon finance project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) assesses the development effectiveness of the Integrated Solid Waste & Carbon Finance Project in Brazil. The project was approved on November 2, 2010, for a cost of…
Creating Markets Learning from Joint Projects

Creating Markets: Learning from World Bank Group Joint Projects

What does the experience from two decades of projects co-financed by two or more World Bank Group institutions tell us about what works for market creation?
How to Work as One World Bank Group

How to Work as One World Bank Group: Lessons from Experience

Join our panel of experts who have worked collaboratively across the Bank Group institutions as they discuss what it takes to implement successful joint projects across two or all three Bank Group institutions.
To End Rural Poverty Look Beyond the Farm

Want to End Rural Poverty? Look Beyond the Farm

There is increasing recognition that non-farm activities – activities that do not constitute primary agricultural production – are critical sources of additional income for the poor. In a recent IEG evaluation, we…

Creating Markets for Sustainable Growth and Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Support to Client Countries FY 07-17 (Approach Paper)

The international development community is increasingly turning to the private sector in its pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Involving the private sector as a financier, operator or service provider…

Kyrgyz Republic : village investment project and second village investment project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) of the Village Investment Project (VIP 1) and the Second Village Investment Project (VIP 2), implemented from 2003 to 2014. Both VIP projects were designed against…

Mali - Project to support grassroots initiatives to fight hunger and poverty

This is a project performance review of the Grassroots Hunger and Poverty Initiative Project (PAIB) financed by the International Development Association (IDA) and implemented between 1998 and 2004 across two regions of…
Building Bridges Between Evaluators and Big Data Analysts

Building Bridges Between Evaluators and Big Data Analysts

Evaluation training programs do not often cover smart data analytics and many data scientists do not have a background in conventional evaluation methodology. Here are some ideas to build a bridge between these two…