
Displaying 291 - 300 of 5571

The Drive for Financial Inclusion: Lessons of World Bank Group Experience – Approach Paper

Financial inclusion is expected to help address poverty and shared prosperity by improving and smoothing household incomes at the same time as reducing vulnerability to shocks, improving investments in education and…

Early Evaluation of the World Bank’s COVID-19 Response to Save Lives and Protect Poor and Vulnerable People (Approach Paper)

Disrupting billions of lives and livelihoods, the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic jeopardizes countries’ development gains and goals on an unprecedented scale. Restoring human capital and maintaining progress on…

Mozambique Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

Mozambique’s recent history is characterized by economic growth, rising inequality, and fragility. After the end of a civil war in 1992, Mozambique enjoyed a sustained period of growth until 2014, positioning it as one…

Towards Productive, Inclusive, and Sustainable Farms and Agribusiness Firms: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Support for Development of Agri-Food Economies (2010-2020) – Approach Paper

Sustainable development of the agricultural sector and the associated agrifood industry is key to ending hunger and poverty and meeting other global goals, such as those related to climate change. Fostering broad-based…
Four Lessons from the Sahel on Land Restoration Programs and their Impact on Vulnerable Populations

Four Lessons from the Sahel on Land Restoration Programs and their Impact on Vulnerable Populations

World Bank Group support to developing countries to manage their natural resources is critical for poverty reduction. A recent IEG evaluation assessed how well the World Bank has addressed natural resource…

Nepal – Sunaula Hazar Din – Community Action for Nutrition Project

Ratings for the Community Action for Nutrition Project are as follows: Outcome was moderately satisfactory, overall efficacy was substantial, Bank performance was moderately…
Innovating Evaluation in Multilateral and Bilateral Agencies Dealing with operational challenges during the COVID-19 crisis

Innovating Evaluation in Multilateral and Bilateral Agencies:

Dealing with operational challenges during the COVID-19 crisis.

Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2021 – Concept Note

The Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (RAP) report is the annual review of evidence from IEG evaluation and validation work on the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group (WBG). It will be the…

Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) Work Program and Budget (FY22) and Indicative Plan (FY23-24)

IEG adapted its work program to align with the rapid adjustment of the WBG’s strategic priorities to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, IEG will continue to keep a line of sight to other emerging and…
An African agronomist is using a drone to monitor a corn crop. Image source: Shutterstock/Martin Harvey

How prepared is the World Bank Group to leverage the opportunities and mitigate the risks of disruptive and transformative technologies?

Disruptive and transformative technologies (DTT) offer the welcome promise of faster progress and transforming people’s lives for the better. With the combined impacts of conflict, climate change, and the Covid-19…