
Displaying 1551 - 1560 of 5571

Albania - Community Works Project, Second Community Works Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report evaluates two Community Works Projects in Albania that aimed to rehabilitate small infrastructure by working through local governments, rather than working directly with local…

Mekong - River Commission Water Utilization Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report of the Water Utilization Project, financed by a Global Environment Facility grant made available to the Mekong River Commission (MRC). The objective of the project was to…

China - Forestry Development in Poor Areas Project, and Sustainable Forestry Development Project

This report assesses a cluster of World Bank-supported projects and analytic and advisory activities (AAA) bearing on forests in China. IEG rated the outcomes of the Forestry Development in Poor Areas Project as…

India - Gujarat State Highway Project, and Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report assesses the development effectiveness of two transport projects in India, the Gujarat State Highways Project and the Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project; and a major…

Armenia - Avian Influenza Preparedness Project

This report assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank supported Avian Influenza Preparedness Project (2006-2010). At the time of the avian influenza threat in 2005, Armenia was largely unprepared to…

Egypt, Morocco and Guatemala - First and Second Financial Sector Development/Adjustment Policy Loan Project; Pakistan - Banking Sector Restructuring, Privatization, and Development Policy Program Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews the effectiveness of World Bank assistance in financial sector reform through a cluster of six lending operations in four countries--Egypt, Guatemala, Morocco,…

Mozambique - First Phase of the Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Program Project, and Railways and Ports Restructuring Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report for two transport sector projects in Mozambique: the Railways and Ports Restructuring Project, and the Roads and Bridges Management and Maintenance Project Phase 1. IEG…

Albania - Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response (APL) Project

Ratings for the Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response (APL) Project for Albania were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the risk to…

Mexico - Indigenous and Community Biodiversity Conservation Project

This is a project performance assessment of the Mexico Indigenous and Community Biodiversity Conservation Project (COINBIO). The Project's Global Environmental Objective was to conserve high biodiversity in the states…

Chile and Colombia - Life-Long Learning and Training Project, Science for the Knowledge Economy Project, and Higher Education, Improving Access Project

This report assesses and compares the results of three higher education projects in Chile and Colombia: the Chile Lifelong Learning and Training Project, the Chile Science for the Knowledge Economy Project and the…