
Displaying 1371 - 1380 of 5571

Mettre fin à la fragilité et mesurer les résultats : quels points communs ?

Indicateurs, mesures, résultats, nous voulons tout savoir! On se croirait dans une réunion d’évaluateurs, qui cherchent à comprendre quels résultats ont été atteints et comment, non ? De fait, ces thèmes étaient au cœur…

Program Classification for Performance-Based Budgeting: How to Structure Budgets to Enable the Use of Evidence

This guide provides practical guidance on how to define programs and their constituent elements under a program budgeting system.

Program Classification for Performance-Based Budgeting: How to Structure Budgets to Enable the Use of Evidence

This guide provides practical guidance on how to define programs and their constituent elements under a program budgeting system.

Ending fragility and measuring results: what do they have in common?

Indicators, measurement, results – we need to know! Sounds like a typical meeting of evaluators wanting to know about what and how results are being achieved. Right? Actually, these were the central themes of the…

Ghana - Trade and Investment Gateway Project (GHATIG)

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) reviews Bank experience for the Ghana Trade and Investment Gateway Project, effective from 1999 through December 2009 (with an original closing date of December 2005).…

Brazil Country Program Evaluation, FY04-11

During the first decade of the 2000s, Brazil made important achievements in shared prosperity: it achieved fiscal sustainability and economic growth while at the same time reducing poverty and income inequality. Brazil…

The World Bank Group’s Partnership with the Global Environment Facility

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in 1991 to provide new funding to achieve global environmental benefits in initially four and later six focal areas: biological diversity, climate change,…

The World Bank Group’s Partnership with the Global Environment Facility (Overview)

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in 1991 to provide new funding to achieve global environmental benefits in initially four and later six focal areas: biological diversity, climate change,…

Evaluation Capacity: Who Needs It?

Who needs evaluation capacity? Years ago the answer to this question would have been the donor community.  This situation has changed dramatically in the last couple of years. Many more countries are setting up…

Capacidad de evaluación: ¿Quién la necesita?

¿Quién necesita capacidad de evaluación? Años atrás, la respuesta a esta pregunta habría sido “la comunidad de donantes”. Pero esta situación varió drásticamente en los dos últimos años. Muchos otros países están…