
Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 5571

The Impacts of Community-Driven Development Interventions on Women's Empowerment - Concept Note

The proposed Learning Product will review existing evidence of the impacts of community-driven development on women's empowerment. Its approach is innovative in that it derives evidence from traditionally accountability…

Senegal - Integrated Marine and Coastal Resources Management Project and Sustainable Management of Fish Resources Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report reviews World Bank support for the sustainable management of fisheries in Senegal over the period of 2004 to 2012, provided by two investment projects: Integrated Marine and…

Panama - Completion and learning review for the period FY2011-14 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY11-14 Panama Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and the CPS Progress Report and assesses the Completion and Learning Review. IEG rates the overall outcome of the CPS…
A Good Time to be an Evaluator: Evaluation and Evaluators Meeting the Challenge of Complexity

A Good Time to be an Evaluator: Evaluation and Evaluators Meeting the Challenge of Complexity

Director General for evaluation responds to some big questions, and reflects on what it means to be a member of our nascent profession.

Report on Self-Evaluation Systems: Approach Paper

Self-evaluation systems are mechanisms for learning and mid-course correction that can help the WBG deliver its strategic goals and become a "Solutions Bank." This is an opportune time to take stock of the World Bank…
Building Communities While Building Skills

Building Communities While Building Skills

World Bank Group M&E Professionals Come Together to Build Virtual Community, Share Knowledge

Sri Lanka - Community Development and Livelihood Improvement Gemi Diriya Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment of the Sri Lanka Community Development and Livelihoods Improvement project implemented between 2004 and 2010 in three of Sri Lanka's southernmost provinces. Referred to as the…
Measuring Up: The Importance of Quality Results Frameworks in Country Strategies

Measuring Up: The Importance of Quality Results Frameworks in Country Strategies

Using results frameworks to improve planning and to better identify potential dynamic synergies at country level.

Lighting the Torch: UNEG Evaluation Week 2015

“Evaluation everywhere, and at every level, will play a key role in implementing the new development agenda.”

Results Frameworks in Country Strategies--Lessons from Evaluations

A Results Framework (RF) is an integral part of all the components of the Country Partnership Framework process. The RF calls for a clear specification of country and WBG goals, the specific objectives selected by the…