
Displaying 1121 - 1130 of 5571
Getting Fit for 2030: Evaluation Beyond 2015

Getting Fit for 2030: Evaluation Beyond 2015

2015 heralds great changes with far-reaching implications for evaluation

The Plurinational State of Bolivia, Country Program Evaluation FY05-13

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) assesses the outcomes of the World Bank Group's operations in Bolivia during the period from FY05 to FY13. It is part of the Clustered CPE for Resource Rich Developing Countries,…

Kazakhstan, Country Program Evaluation FY04-13

This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) evaluates World Bank Group (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [IBRD], or the Bank, the International Finance Corporation [IFC], and Multilateral Investment…

Mongolia, Country Program Evaluation FY05-13

This country program evaluation (CPE) evaluates the World Bank Group's operations in Mongolia from FY05-13, as part of a cluster of country evaluations of resource-rich developing countries, also including Bolivia,…

Zambia, Country Program Evaluation FY04-13

This country program evaluation (CPE) evaluates World Bank Group operations in Zambia from FY04 through FY13. The Bank Group covers IDA or the Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and the Multilateral…

World Bank Group Engagement in Resource-Rich Developing Countries: The Cases of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Zambia

The Clustered Country Program Evaluation (Clustered CPE) includes a synthesis report and four separate country program evaluations of World Bank Group engagement in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Kazakhstan,…
The Electricity Access Challenge - Starkly Centered in Sub-Saharan Africa

The Electricity Access Challenge - Starkly Centered in Sub-Saharan Africa

Access to electricity is tranformative in development, and the World Bank Group has a responsibility to meet the challenge of powering the people head-on.

Managing Environmental and Social Risks in Development Policy Financing

This is one of a series of learning products on Development Policy Financing (DPF) being undertaken by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), covering a range of issues. The series provides a timely independent…
IEG Goes Hollywood

IEG Goes Hollywood

Introducing the most famous actor you never heard of - YOU!
Fin4Dev: Learning from the Past for a New Future

Fin4Dev: Learning from the Past for a New Future

What can Financing for Development learn from evaluation?