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A public primary school in the village of Amoronimania, Madagascar.

The World Bank in Madagascar: adapting to fragility and governance challenges

An evaluation of the World Bank’s engagement in Madagascar during fiscal years 2007-2021 finds a Bank that is increasingly attuned to political economy risks. Yet elite capture remains difficult to overcome.
Baobab alley, Madagascar. Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ sunsinger.

The World Bank Group in Madagascar

This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s engagement with Madagascar during Fiscal Years 2007–21.
Reader publication

Madagascar: Third Environment Program Support Project (PPAR)

The closure of the Third Environment Program Support Project (EP3) brought an end to the World Bank’s programmatic series of loans to implement the Madagascar National Environmental Action Program (NEAP). The Madagascar…

Madagascar - Third Environment Program Support Project

Project ratings for the Third Environment Program Support Project are as follows: Outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Overall efficiency was modest, Bank performance was moderately…

Madagascar Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This Country Program Evaluation will assess the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s engagement in Madagascar between fiscal year (FY)07 and FY21, and will explore whether the Bank Group’s $3 billion…

Madagascar - Emergency Support to Critical Education, Health, and Nutrition Services Project and Additional Financing

Ratings for the Emergency Support to Critical Education, Health, and Nutrition Services Project and Additional Financing are as follows: Outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank…

Madagascar - Emergency Support to Critical Education, Health, and Nutrition Services Project and Additional Financing

Ratings for the Emergency Support to Critical Education, Health, and Nutrition Services Project and Additional Financing are as follows: Outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank…

Madagascar - Completion and learning review for country assistance strategy for the period FY07-FY13 : IEG review

This Review covers both Madagascar’s Country Assistance Strategy (CAS, FY07-FY11) and Interim Strategy Note (ISN, FY12-FY13). While the CAS was a joint WBG document, the ISN was an IDA only document. The CAS…

Improving Coverage and Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Services in Lao PDR: Impact Evaluation of the Community Nutrition Project

The World Bank supported the Community Nutrition Project (CNP) in Lao PDR from 2009 to 2013 to respond to the global food crisis of 2007-08. The project was administered through a conditional cash transfer (CCT) with a…

Poverty Reduction Support Credits: Lao PDR Country Study (Working Paper)

This working paper on Poverty Reduction Support Credits: Lao PDR Country Study is one of a series of seven background country case studies, prepared for the IEG evaluation of the World Bank's support for Poverty…