
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
State Your Business: What are the keys to successful reform of state-owned enterprises?

State Your Business: What are the keys to successful reform of state-owned enterprises?

State-Owned Enterprises SOEs are critical to many developing and emerging economies where the lives of millions of citizens are deeply affected by how these enterprises are run. …
Public Utility Reform: What lessons can we learn from IEG evaluations in the energy and water sectors?

Public Utility Reform: What lessons can we learn from IEG evaluations in the energy and water sectors?

This synthesis provides a review of operationally relevant findings and lessons from World Bank-supported utility reforms in the energy and water sectors, as identified in IEG evaluation products.
Pictured above: Ain Beni Mathar Integrated Combined Cycle Thermo-Solar Power Plant. Photo credit: Dana Smillie / World Bank

Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s support for electricity supply from renewable energy resources, 2000–2017

This evaluation assesses the performance of the World Bank Group (WBG) in its support to electricity production from renewable energy resources in client countries over the period 2000 to 2017.

Tajikistan: Energy Loss Reduction Project (PPAR)

This project was approved on June 30, 2005, for a cost of $30.0 million, including an International Development Association credit of $17.9 million. The project cost increased to $48 million after restructuring and…

Sierra Leone - Completion and Learning Report : IEG Review

This is a validation of the Completion and Learning Review (CLR) for the World Bank Group’s (WBG) engagement in Sierra Leone covering the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS, FY10-FY13). For completeness and learning…

Mexico - Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

This review of Mexico’s Completion and Learning Review (CLR) of the World Bank Group’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) covers the CPS period FY14-FY19 and the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) of January 26, 2017…