
Displaying 2331 - 2340 of 5577

Turkey - Road Improvement and Traffic Safety Project

The Road Improvement and Traffic Safety Project for Turkey was selected for assessment due to the difference of opinion between the implementing agency and the Bank on project implementation issues and to review the…

Evaluation of IFC's Private Enterprise Partnership Technical Assistance Program in the Former Soviet Union (Approach Paper)

This is an approach paper for the Evaluation of IFC's Private Enterprise Partnership Technical Assistance Program in the Former Soviet Union. The evaluation will address IFC's Technical Assistance and Advisory Services…

Improving Investment Climates: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Assistance (Reach)

The quality of the investment climate (IC) varies significantly across countries, regions, and industries. The World Bank Group (WBG) needs to customize interventions to country needs, using local knowledge and…

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Transition Assistance Credit, Public Finance Structural Adjustment First and Second Credits, and Social Sector Adjustment Credit Projects

The audit largely concurs with the Implementation Completion Reports ratings on the First and Second Public Finance Structural Adjustment Credit (PFSAL and PFSAL2), and the Social…

Bosna i Hercegovina: OED, evaluacija podrske Svjetske banke (Bosnia Country Assistance Evaluation in Bosnian)

This report examines World Bank assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) during 1996-03. It analyzes the objectives and content of the Bank's assistance program during this period, the outcomes in terms of economic…

An Evaluation of IFC’s Investment Climate Activities

The quality of a country's investment climate is determined by the risks and transaction costs of investing in and operating a business, which in turn are determined by the legal and regulatory framework, barriers to…

Evaluation of World Bank Support to Low-Income Countries Under Stress (LICUS) An Approach Paper

Recent research has stressed the importance of strong policy environments, institutions, and governance for aid effectiveness.. "Assessing Aid: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why," David Dollar and Lant Pritchett, OUP,…

Addressing the Challenges of Globalization: An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank's Approach to Global Programs

"Addressing the Challenges of Globalization,” finds that although Bank Management has adopted a number of organizational and procedural changes to improve the management of global programs since OED's first phase…

Global Programs: Addressing the Challenges of Globalization (Reach)

As a partner in global programs, the Bank is exploiting its comparative advantage more at the global level (convening power and global reach) than at the country level (operational knowledge and multisectoral analytical…

Public and Private Financing of Transport: An OED Review of World Bank Assistance (Approach Paper)

Given the complexity, diversity and size o f the transport sector two factors predominated in selecting an appropriate focus for this review. First, the Bank has declared its intent to encourage competition in those…