
Displaying 3021 - 3030 of 5577

Cameroon: Forest Sector Development in a Difficult Political Economy


Burkina Faso Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation examines assistance to Burkina Faso during the past ten years. One of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso is landlocked, with a high population growth rate and HIV…

Philippines - First and Second Rural Finance Projects

The audit rates both the First, and Second Rural Finance Projects (RFPI and RFPII) as satisfactory, likewise for both the Bank, and Borrower performances, concurring with the…

Ukraine - Agriculture Sector Adjustment Loan Project

The audit rates the outcome of the project as marginally satisfactory, sustainability as uncertain, and the institutional development impact as modest. Although the project objectives…

Zambia - Social Recovery Project

The audit concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's assessments of satisfactory project outcome, modest institutional development impact, and uncertain sustainability.…

Brazil - Northeast Rural Development Program - Ceara and Paraiba Projects

The audit reviews the assessments of the Northeast Rural Development Program for both the Ceara (NERDPC) and Paraiba (NERDPP) projects, concurring with the Implementation Completion…

Bangladesh - Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance, and Rural Roads and Market Improvement and Maintenance Projects

The audit reviews the previous ratings, and concurs with the satisfactory outcomes, and likely sustainability, of both the Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance (RRMP), and the Rural…

Sri Lanka - Second Agricultural Extension Project

This audit confirms the implementation completion report's (ICR's) ratings for the outcome for the Second Agricultural Extension Project as unsatisfactory, sustainability as unlikely…

China - Northern Irrigation, Shaanxi Agricultural Development, and Tarim Basin Projects

The audit rates the outcomes of the Northern Irrigation, and Tarim Basin Projects, as satisfactory, with likely sustainability, and substantial institutional development impacts.…

Kazakhstan - Urban Transport Project

The Urban Transport Project was rated as marginally satisfactory because of the less than optimal outcome of the bus component, which constituted 75 percent of the loan. This audit…