
Displaying 2641 - 2650 of 5577

Développement mené par la communauté : Leçons tirées du Sahel Une étude analytique

Au cours des années 90, la Banque mondiale a commencé à donner plus d'importance à la participation communautaire dans le processus de développement et, quand le Rapport sur le développement dans le…

Community-Driven Development: Lessons from the Sahel (An Analytical Review)

During the 1990s the Bank began to increase its emphasis on community participation in development, and after the World Development Report 2000/2001 highlighted the importance of participation to poverty reduction, the…

2002 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness - Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge (metapage)

This year's Annual Review of Development Effectiveness "Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge" (ARDE 2002) assesses, using recent evaluation evidence, how the World Bank's country, sector, and global…

OED Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) Process (Approach Paper)


OED Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) Process (Approach Paper) - in French


OED Review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) Process (Approach Paper) - in Spanish


Debt Relief for the Poorest: An OED Review of the HIPC Initiative (metapage)

This review focuses on the design and implementation of the HIPC Initiative. The purpose is to assess the prospect of the Initiative achieving its intended immediate objectives - reducing debt to sustainable levels and…

Allègement de la dette pour les plus pauvres - Examen OED de l'initiative PPTE

La création de l'Initiative en faveur des pays pauvres très endettés (PPTE) a marqué un tournant dans l'évolution du financement du développement. L'Initiative PPTE a joué un rôle de catalyseur…

Debt Relief for the Poorest: An OED Review of the HIPC Initiative

This review focuses on the design and implementation of the HIPC Initiative. The purpose is to assess the prospect of the Initiative achieving its intended immediate objectives - reducing debt to sustainable levels and…