
Displaying 801 - 810 of 5577
Conversations: The Future of Industry - Is Automation an Opportunity or Threat for Developing Countries?

Conversations: The Future of Industry - Is Automation an Opportunity or Threat for Developing Countries?

Following IEG's panel discussion about World Bank Group’s experience in promoting industry, we invited the panelists to "dig deeper" in answering questions from the audience. Below are highlights from the exchange.

Getting to 2030: The Role of Tax Revenue Mobilization

Join our panel of experts from multilateral financial and development institutions to explore the pivotal role of tax revenue mobilization in financing the achievement of the 2030 development agenda.
World Bank Group Joint Projects: A Review of Two Decades of Experience

World Bank Group Joint Projects: A Review of Two Decades of Experience

This first systematic stocktaking by IEG of joint or co-financed projects within the World Bank Group offers insight on both benefits of, and challenges in, developing, structuring, supervising, monitoring and…

Ethiopia - Completion and learning review for country partnership strategy for the period FY13 - FY16 : IEG review

of US$590 (current US$) in 2015. Its economy grew by 9.6 percent annually in real terms during the review period, faster than the Sub-Saharan Africa average (4.0 percent) and the rest of the world (2.6 percent),…

Republic of Croatia : agriculture pollution control project

The Danube River Basin is one of Europe’s largest cross-boundary river catchment areas, draining large parts of central and southeastern Europe before flowing into the Black Sea. Pollution of the Danube River and the…
Transforming Multilateral Development Finance - Is there a role for independent evaluation?

Transforming Multilateral Development Finance - Is there a Role for Independent Evaluation?

On Thursday, June 8, a high-level panel will discuss the transformational challenges ahead for multilateral development banks, including the role of independent evaluation.

IEG Work Program and Budget (FY18) and Indicative Plan (FY19-20)

IEG’s strategic directions for FY18–20 have been defined to maximize alignment with the key strategic priorities of the World Bank Group and the main development challenges expected to affect its clients over that…

Ukraine - Completion and learning review for country partnership framework for the period FY12-FY16 : IEG review

Ukraine is a lower middle income country with a GNI per capita of $2,640 in 2015. Leading up to the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) period, poverty had been declining, with the share of the population below the $5…

Indonesia : public expenditure support facility development policy loan with deferred drawdown option

This Project Performance Assessment Review (PPAR) evaluates the Indonesia Public Expenditure Support Facility (PESF), a $2 billion development policy loan (DPL) with a deferred drawdown option (DDO) implemented between…
Rethinking Evaluation - Sustaining a Focus on Sustainability

Rethinking Evaluation - Sustaining a Focus on Sustainability

Looking back on years of using the sustainability evaluation criterion, one has to ask - how well have we done?