
Displaying 2891 - 2900 of 5577

Ghana - Second Urban Project

In agreement with the Implementation Completion Report (ICR), the audit rates the project outcome as satisfactory for the achievement of its principal objectives in local development…

Rating IDA'S Development Performance


Hungary - Second Transport Project and Roads Project

The audit rates the outcome of the Second Transport Project as satisfactory because the objectives were relevant, investments were efficient, and efficacy was mixed. The outcome of…

Morocco: Country Assistance Review

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) examines Bank assistance to Morocco since the last Country Assistance Strategy (CAS), issued in January 1997, and, concentrates on the relevance, efficiency, sustainability, and…

Morocco - Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation covers the period since the last Country Assistance Review (CAR) and the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) were issued in January 1997. Major political changes have occurred during…

Review of Environmental Sustainability Issues in IDA (IDA Review 2001)

This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA´s Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation"

The IDA10-12 Partnership for Poverty Reduction (REACH)


The Gender Dimension of Bank Assistance: An Evaluation of Results (REACH)
