
Displaying 1691 - 1700 of 5577

Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2010

This review is IEG's first Bank Group-wide annual evaluation. It looks at select issues of current relevance related to development results. Regarding the World Bank, this report considers the importance of…

The World Bank Group's Response to the Global Economic Crisis

The global economic crisis that began in 2008 threatened to erase years of progress in developing countries. In response, the World Bank Group (World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment…

The World Bank Group's Response to the Global Economic Crisis (Phase I)

The global economic crisis that began in 2008 threatened to erase years of progress in developing countries. In response, the World Bank Group (World Bank, International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment…

Thailand - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2003-FY2005 : IEG review

This review covers the World Bank Group's (WBG) FY03-FY05 Thailand Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) as implemented until the present, and evaluates the CAS Completion Report (CASCR…

Climate Change and the World Bank Group: Phase II: The Challenge of Low-Carbon Development

This study reviews the World Bank's efforts in mitigating climate change, which have expanded rapidly in recent years. Seeking lessons on what works and what doesn't, the report stresses five measures that offer…

The Canadian M&E System: Lessons Learned from 30 Years of Development

This Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) paper seeks to provide an overview of the Canadian model for monitoring and evaluation developed over the past three decades. The Canadian M&E system is one that has…

Growth and Productivity in Agriculture and Agribusiness

Enhanced agricultural growth and productivity are essential if we are to meet the worldwide demand for food and reduce poverty, particularly in the poorest developing countries. Between 1998 and 2008, the period covered…

Azerbaijan - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2007-10 : IEG review

The FY07-FY10 Azerbaijan Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) was a joint strategy of IBRD and IFC. This review evaluates the FY 2007 CPS, its FY 2009 CPS Progress Report (CPSPR) and…

IDA Internal Controls: Evaluation of Management's Remediation Program

The key purpose of the International Development Agency's (IDA) internal control system is to assure its stakeholders that IDA complies with its articles and policies and that the funds it provides for development…

Safeguards and Sustainability Policies in a Changing World: An Independent Evaluation of World Bank Group Experience

Recent global financial and environmental crises demonstrate the need to create and implement regulatory frameworks that balance private and social benefits and costs. The World Bank Group (WBG) instituted safeguards…